A promise. A wish. A twist of fate.
I fell in love with Mason Wyatt before I even knew the meaning of the word. Long before I even considered that the rumors about me were true.
Like a superhero from the pages of our favorite comics, he’s always been there for me, time and time again. My friend. My protector. My rock.
On the outside, he’s everything I’m not. Brave and ambitious—even a little reckless. He wears his heart on his sleeve, while I keep mine locked up, terrified of what might burst out should I let my guard down even the slightest bit.
But Mason’s got his secrets too, ones only I’m privy to. Demons not unlike the ones I’ve been at war with for as long as I can remember. Perhaps that’s why, from the second we met, he’s always felt like mine.
Too bad he’s straight… and in love with my twin sister.
For years, I’ve had no choice but to grin and bear it from the sidelines, wishing for things to be different, waiting for the day I could finally leave our tiny town and get over the boy who was never meant for me.
But when the unthinkable happens, shattering life as we know it, I find myself trapped in the ruins of what once was.
He needs me.
And I need him to need me.
Together, we try to find shelter in the wreckage of who we were and what we lost, weathering lows I could never have even imagined.
But the closer we get, the worse things fall apart…
And I can’t help but wonder, if perhaps it was a kinder fate when I could only love him from afar.
It’s true what they say.