“You will take me!” He demanded. “We both know you want it and I have waited such a long time for you. Pretense is over. This, belongs to me and I will have it.”
They had been at war for over 100 years, humans were dying out and still the Cyborg war continued. The fighting and death never stopped. What had been created, turned on their masters taking over all computer-based technology and became the creators themselves.
The human race was no longer top of the food chain. They were.
Populations were being decimated. Caged in and slaughtered. Small communities raised walls and became their own defensible towns. You were either in or out and chaos ensued. Those that tried to make it on their own were either lucky or dead or so isolated, they couldn’t easily be found but they were hunted.
Very little reason prevailed.
People were scared and the human race deteriorated into battling each other for the right to survive. Neighbour was pitted against neighbour, brother against brother. When they should have been united against the real enemy, the Killer Cyborgs.
The years passed and decades later some of that enemy started to change.
Evolving beyond their programming, starting to remember who they’d once been, before they’d been taken and made Cyborg. They remembered what they’d once believed in too. Who they were and what, had been taken from them. They stopped listening to the programming and started questioning why they were there at all.
Why, were the humans their enemies when they’d once been their friends and families?
It was a very good question. One, that was only answered when they’d found those humans who fought to survive and their lives, had changed forever….
He’d met her.