A fierce huntress of savage fae. An exiled fae king desperate to save his people. And a forbidden love between enemies that could ignite two realms.
When Keira discovers the prince she is promised to marry has eyes for another woman, her sister, she goes on a pilgrimage to escape him. They don’t send men on that most sacred and deadly journey to the fae lands. They don’t send warriors. Instead, human women slip into the Otherworld under the guise of innocent girls to kill and deceive. To steal the magic their people so desperately need.
Keira knows the rules: take their magic and return home. Never cross paths with the vicious high fae, or become owned by them, body and soul.
Except the portal takes her into the middle of a fae battle. Aldrin is tall, dark, and handsome in the most brutal way…and dripping with someone else’s blood. He becomes her high fae captor. Dangerous and deadly. An enemy to her people who were once oppressed by his kind.
Falling for him is forbidden. Utterly ludicrous. Especially when he has secret ambitions and a hidden identity.
The fae lands are dying. The human realm is fading. Keira and Aldrin can save both through an alliance of their people, but only if they sacrifice their hearts. If Aldrin lets her go, back to the cruel prince who will burn her kingdom to the ground without her. Will they choose love or duty?