At the end of the day, I’m not a nice guy. I just play one for anyone who’s looking.
Deep down, there’s something darker there, roots that spring from one shady family tree.
I’ve made a lot of mistakes over the years.
Screwing up is sort of my specialty.
And while this isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever done, it’s got to be in the top three.
Gus wasn’t just my boss. I don’t want to say he was like a father to me, because I had one of those. He was more like a raft on shaky water. I was a kid who was more or less drowning. Gus reached out and offered a hand. He set the example of the way a man ought to be. I respected the hell out of him. If I had known who Marnie was, that she was his beloved niece, I would never have slept with her.
He used to roll his eyes at my womanizing ways. I’m sure he’d be turning over in his grave if he knew what I had done.
The only thing between me and the edge of destruction was my bakery, and that went up in smoke.
My business was all I had. More than that, it was something I actually cared about. These days, the things I care about are few and far between.
I never expected Uncle Gus to leave me the farm in his will, but I am eternally grateful, because that means I can sell it and turn it into a second chance.
Only problem is, I have no idea what I’m doing. Thank goodness Gus’s farm manager is still on the payroll. I need him to guide me through the selling process, but instead, I find myself buying in.
Buying on the idea of small-town life. Of new beginnings. Of a life with a farm boy who came out of nowhere.
The Best Kind of Bad is a scorching-hot small-town romance about a magnetic bad boy and a baker without a bakery. She needs to sell off her uncle’s farm so that she can rebuild her life, but if she pulls it off, she puts her uncle’s farm manager out of a job and a home. He’s willing to help her because of his love for her uncle, but that won’t stop it from hurting like hell.