Page 106 of Sinful Secrets
I also didn’t want to admit that when I had heard him talking and thought he was betraying me, my heart had broken into a thousand pieces for those few moments, and I knew I didn’t want to experience that again.
“Start talking.” I snapped at Riley as he sat at the table.
“Yeah, Willy. Start talking.” Hamish said and I glared at him.
“Why are you calling him a childish name for a penis?” I asked and all of the men looked at me like I had stolen their candy.
“It’s in reference to the movie Free Willy. The one where they break the orca out of the aquarium place.” Hamish said and I stared blankly.
“Oh my god. She hasn’t seen it.” Leo said as he looked at Hamish who looked scandalized.
“We need to fix this. Princess, you will sit down on that couch and we will watch Free Willy.” Hamish said as he stood and held up a hand.
“No. I want to hear Riley’s story first.” I said and he huffed out a breath.
“Fine. But then I am going to find the movie and we will watch it because it is a travesty that you don’t understand my hilarious pop culture references.” Hamish continued and Alexsei rolled his eyes.
I glanced at him.
“Have you seen it?” I asked, curious how the man raised in the same world as I was seemed to be aware of such a movie.
“Of course. I watched many movies like that as a kid. Home Alone was my favorite. That kid had style.” Alexsei said as Hamish smacked his shoulder.
“Yes! That is a classic. Movie marathon coming up.” He said with a laugh.
“Isn’t that a Christmas movie though?” Leo added and they both looked at him.
“So? Is there something wrong with watching a Christmas movie in the middle of the year?” Hamish added and Leo crossed his arms.
“No. But I’d much prefer James Bond or even Die Hard, not that kid stuff.” He muttered and I looked at all of them, not sure if I wanted to scream or shoot someone.
“Die Hard is a Christmas movie too,” Hamish said and Alexsei nodded.
“It is not,” Leo said with a huff and Hamish waved his hand in dismissal.
“It most definitely is. Christmas decorations mean Christmas.” Hamish continued and Alexsei sat forward with a grin.
“Guns, blood, explosions, and a sprinkle of Christmas decorations. It’s a man Christmas movie.” He said with Hamish nodding.
I’d had enough. This was too fucking insane.
I aimed the gun at the center of the table and pulled the trigger, making them all jump.
“Have I got your fucking attention now?” I snapped and Alexsei chuckled.
“Sorry,Pchelka. What were you saying?” He said with one of those looks men give you when they are indulging you like you are a silly girl.
I was going to stab him.
I could feel my eye twitching as Riley stood, putting his hand on my wrist to lower the gun.
“Sit down. I’ll tell you how this started.” He said softly but the look in his eyes, that was the Riley I had let into my heart.
The man I had given power to in my life.
“Fine. But I’m shooting the next person who mentions a movie.” I said before sitting next to him.
He took a breath, then let it out with a wry smile.