Page 118 of Sinful Secrets
“As in a literal farm? Let me guess, with pigs?” Hamish said warily and I nodded.
“What exactly is this Uncle retired from?” Riley asked and I sighed as the gate came into view.
“He was a cleaner,” I said and Hamish sighed.
From the look on Riley’s face, he had figured out what that meant.
“So we are quite literally feeding the pigs.” Hamish said with a scrunch of his nose.
“I hate farms.” He muttered and I rolled my eyes as we drove up the driveway to the main house.
The light was already on and I could see the barn light also blaring through the darkness.
I got out to see the man in question standing out the front of the house with a stern look.
“I didn’t expect to hear from you. You usually take care of this in less…messy ways.” He said as I approached him with a smile.
“I needed a quick fix.” I said as the truck pulled up behind us.
“Barn is ready, I assume you have a live one?” He said and I nodded.
“I’ll go deal with the truck. I left a couple of my best eaters in the barn for you.” He said with a wink and shouted at his men in Russian to get the pens open.
I popped the trunk of the car and smiled down at Vinnie.
“Welcome to the farm, Vinnie. We are going to have some fun.” I said with a grin and nodded to Hamish to get him out.
“Up we go, old fella. There’s a good lad.” Hamish said as he hauled him out of the trunk and followed me to the barn.
I glanced at Riley who nodded once, telling me he was coming so I didn’t bother to try and ask him to stay.
It had been a while since I had tortured someone and really, this wasn’t torture that I wanted to draw out since we had other pressing matters.
The middle of the barn was covered in plastic sheeting with a chair in the center and two fat pigs grunted nearby.
I wasn’t exactly a fan of pigs, especially after the first time I had seen them in action on a dead body.
“Vinnie, Vinnie, Vinnie.” I said as Hamish pushed him into the chair.
“Do you know who I am?” I asked as I looked at him and he narrowed his eyes.
“Should I?” He spat and I laughed. At least I knew my reputation was intact and my ability to lay low was doing well.
“My name is Katerina Volkova.” I said as I approached him.
His eyes widened and I smiled.
“Ah. So you do know who I am. Do you know why you are here, Vinnie?” I asked and he shook his head, his eyes darting to Hamish and Riley who were both watching him with blank expressions.
“You touched one of mine, Vinnie, and no one touches one of mine and gets away with it,” I said before I picked up a hammer on the table Uncle had laid out for me.
“What? I haven’t gone near the Bratva…” He stammered and I turned around, waving the hammer around as I looked at Hamish.
“Broken ribs, severe concussion, hairline fracture on his cheekbone and broken toes on his left foot.” I said and his eyes widened as he realized who I was talking about.
“Leo.” He whispered and I clicked my fingers in the air.
“Bingo! You win a prize!” I said with a smile before I slammed the hammer into his cheek, satisfied when I heard the crunch.