Page 127 of Sinful Secrets
“I didn’t expect that one. Sinners in a church. They won’t expect that one at all.” I said as Leo frowned.
“Who is Caleb?” He asked and we all looked at each other, not sure how to answer that.
“He is most definitely a man who sins with the best of them,” I said cryptically.
“I have to go. They are onto Mikhail and Katerina, and I need to warn him too.” I said and they nodded.
“We’ll take good care of him,” Alfie said with a grin and Leo glared at him.
“I’m not an invalid.” I heard him snap as I walked out the door and headed to the rear entrance, I had come in.
That was one taken care of. I just had to take care of the others before it was too late.
Fifty five
“Here,” Hamish said as he handed Katerina a box.
She glanced at it and then frowned at him. He had just come back from the shop and I knew what the box was.
“Why are you giving me this?” She asked and Hamish smiled.
“Because I want you to take it.” He said and she glared.
“It’s a pregnancy test, Hamish.” She said with a cold voice and he nodded.
“Yes. Humor me and take. The. Test.” He said firmly and her eyes shot to me.
“Take the test, Kitten,” I said softly, my gut telling me what it was going to say.
None of us had been careful and Katerina hadn’t exactly stopped us either.
We hadn’t discussed it openly and that was pretty fucking stupid and naïve of us, but being caught up in everything, I think no one of us wanted to have the hard conversations.
“Fine.” She snapped, taking the box from him and storming off to the bathroom.
“So what’s the plan if this goes the way we both think it is going to go?” I said quietly as we heard her muttering in Russian and slamming the door.
“We lock her up and throw away the key,” Hamish muttered as he sat down at the table.
“You know we can’t. She will quite literally stab us if we even try. Plus all this stuff right now, she wants to get it sorted out.” I said and he ran his hand over his face.
“I know.” He looked at me with a wary smile.
“This isn’t how I expected this scenario to play out.” He said and I raised an eyebrow.
“You thought about kids? What did you think was going to happen?” I asked, curious.
“Well, not exactly. But I guess I expected it to be one of those romantic, sappy moments that you see on all the social media these days, cakes in pink and blue and all that jazz.” He said and I laughed.
“It’s not like we can’t do all that as well. We were idiots though. We should have had this kind of conversation while we were at the cabin together.” I said and Hamish laughed.
“Because everything in this situation has been done the normal way.” He said as Katerina came out with the test.
“Well?” Hamish said as he sat up a little more.
“I haven’t looked. I don’t think I can.” She said nervously and handed it to me.