Page 13 of Sinful Secrets
“I know that you all seem to think I am not as powerful as Ivan but let me assure you. If I find out that you are double-crossing me, I will kill you and leave your bodies strung up on my door as a message to everyone else.” She stared at the other men in the room, and I took in each one.
They all looked nervous as they glanced at the man choking on his own blood on the floor. All but one. The man stood slightly behind her and the look he gave her had me shifting closer to Katerina.
“You have one choice. Fall in line and accept my position or you can run off and join Alexsei and his men. But know that I will come for you.” She stepped over the body.
“Clean this up. I will be in my office,” she said with a glance in my direction.
I looked back at the room full of grown men who watched her leave with terrified, disgusted looks.
Yeah. She was fucking perfect.
I followed her into a small office and when I closed the door, she sat in her chair with an audible sigh, closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose.
She tossed the knife onto the desk, and I watched as she seemed to visibly deflate.
Her eyes met mine and it was as if she expected judgment. The blood splatter on her face just made her look even more beautiful.
God, I was going to have issues with this relationship.
“What now, boss?” I asked, trying to go for lighthearted but she looked defeated.
“Honestly? I don’t know. I know most of those men out there and all the others are just hoping I will fall. What do I do? Kill them all?” she said warily.
I pulled out a chair across from her and sat down.
“What is it you want from them? Loyalty? Obedience? Love? Admiration?” I asked and she raised an eyebrow at me.
“Loyalty. I need to know they will be mine.” She said.
“You can’t buy loyalty and you can’t threaten it either. You have to earn it. How did the other guy do it?” I asked as she rolled her eyes.
“He had a cock. And the blessing from the Bratva in Moscow. I know that will come; the man is my cousin. He is also a smart man, and he is watching to make sure I can get control first. He won’t give it if I am constantly at war with my own people.” She sighed and I considered her situation.
“Look. I don’t know you and I don’t know these men, but I do know criminals. Earning trust means giving them something that they need, it means taking heat away from them and it means being the person they can rely on. What can you offer them?” I said as she narrowed her eyes.
“What are you not telling me, Leo? Who are you really?” She studied me as if seeing me for the first time and I felt uncomfortable, as though she could see my soul.
“I’m a man with a past. I grew up on the streets of Sinners Bay along with my kid sister. It was a tough life. I learned to use my fists. When she died, I realized I needed something else. So, I worked my ass off and got to the gym. That’s all.” It wasn’t a lie.
I just didn’t add that I spent most of my younger years in the underground cage fights. The only person who had beaten me was a guy called Alfie. Last I heard, he was working for the Madden family.
“I don’t know what I can give them that they want.” She said.
“Well, let's get to work figuring it out.”
It was dark by the time Leo pulled into my driveway. I was exhausted and still no closer to figuring out what I needed to do.
What I did know was I had to take out Alexsei. So, it was his place I had on my list though I didn’t trust taking my men there so I had to figure out a team to take that could be trusted.
A few months ago, I would have sent Gabriel and Anatoly, but I had released them from their contract, and I knew they were working for the Maddens now.
I doubted they would do a favor for me after everything I had done to Mikhail.
“Hey. What’s on your mind? You look like you just ate a lemon.” Leo said and I glared at him.