Page 130 of Sinful Secrets
“I promised him I would keep you safe and I will.” He snapped and I glared at him.
“You forget who you are talking to.” I seethed and he shook his head.
“No, I don’t, Katerina. I know exactly how insane you can be when you want to.” He ducked as gunshots echoed through the room.
“LET ME GO! I SWEAR I’LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT!” Victor shouted and I sighed.
“Let him go,” I said to Mikhail who went to free him as I pulled out my gun.
More gunshots echoed through the room, and I watched as Victor’s blood sprayed over Mikhail.
“Fuck! Get down!” He shouted as he rushed over to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me behind a stack of wooden crates.
“The other exit is there.” He motioned right across from us, and I nodded.
“We can get there,” I said as I raised my gun and fired a few shots in the direction the men were.
We ran, wood splintering over us as more bullets rained down and just as I thought we had made it, a huge explosion knocked me down, the wind knocked out of my lungs and my ears ringing as I rolled over, trying to gasp for air.
“GET UP!” Mikhail shouted at me as he gripped my arm, yanking me to his body and shoved us through the door.
“HAMISH AND RILEY!” I shouted as I turned to go back, Mikhail using all his strength to drag me away.
“We have to get you to safety.” He said and I punched him in the face, making a break for the building when another explosion set the entire thing on fire.
“NO!” I screamed as I watched the roof cave in.
“KATERINA! GET IN THE FUCKING CAR!” Mikhail shouted as he pulled open the door to his car.
I had to get to them. They would still be alive. I know it. There is no way the gods were this cruel to take them from me.
I screamed in protest as Mikhail hauled me over his shoulder, carrying me back to the car and dumped me inside.
I tried to open the door, but he had safety locks on and I stared in horror as he slammed the driver’s side door closed and pulled out of the lot.
Someone started shooting at the car and I ducked down as the glass in the rear window shattered, the vision of the warehouse in flames fading in the distance and with it, my heart.
I felt numb as Mikhail pulled into a shady looking parking lot and motel.
“This is one of our old safe points. I’ll get a message to Anatoly and Gabriel to pass on.” Mikhail said softly as he looked at me.
“You need to stay hidden for a minute until we figure out what happened and who sold us out.” He added and I just stared at him.
“Here. It’s room 305.” He handed me a key from the glove box, and I took it, getting out slowly.
I had to get back there. If there was any chance that they were alive…
I swayed on my feet, my head spinning, and stumbled a few steps before I vomited on the pavement.
“Katerina!” Mikhail said as he hurried over, wrapping his arm around me until I finished vomiting.
“Come on. I’ll make the call inside.” He said, helping me up the old-looking stairs.
They can’t be dead. It wouldn’t be fair. Not now.
The memories of watching Yuri die flashed into my mind as Mikhail pushed open the door, closing it with his foot as he helped me get to the bed.
“Here. I’ll get you some water.” He said as he hurried over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle.