Page 50 of Sinful Secrets
Someone fell into me from behind and I went to turn before I felt the prick of something in my neck.
I gasped as whatever it was took me quickly, my body sagging, arms catching me from behind. My vision began to blur and I tried to shout but my mouth felt heavy.
“Got you.” The voice muttered before he wrapped an arm around me and hauled me toward the door.
“Is she alright?” A voice asked as my head fell forward.
“Yeah. Just had a bit much to drink. Going to get her home to sleep it off.” My companion said to a few laughs as I tried to make my feet work.
My vision was blurry and I tried to look up, recognizing the man I had seen watching me from the shadows.
He practically carried me out the door and the cool evening air caressed my skin. Fear rolled through me as I realized how easy it had been for someone to grab me.
“My boss wants a word with you.” The man crooned as we approached a van. The door slid open and two men I couldn’t make out stood inside.
“Hurry up. One of those security guards is looking at us.” One of the men muttered.
“Katerina?” I heard a voice say that sounded familiar, Craig maybe. Thank God someone had seen me.
“Fuck. Get her in!” The man holding me said as he shoved me toward the two waiting. I tried to fight, but whatever they had put in my body was working fast now.
Darkness was taking me as I heard the door shut and fear coiled around my heart.
“Hurry up. Get her tied up before she wakes.” A voice muttered. I took a deep breath but stayed quiet. My head was pounding and my body felt heavy but I was alive and awake and they didn’t know that yet.
I tilted my head slightly, the van going over a pothole and jostling the two men.
“She’s out cold man. Fuck. I can’t believe we got her so easily.” The second guy said with a laugh.
“Don’t underestimate her. If she wakes up, she will try to kill you. I’ve seen her slit a mans throat without blinking.” The voice from my captor said from further up in the van.
He must be driving.
I glanced around the van, looking for something to use as a weapon, finding a crowbar conveniently stashed on one side.
The back of the van was empty of any seats and they had dumped me on the cold metal floor. I slowly reached for it, keeping one eye on the two men celebrating their success.
As my hand wrapped around the metal of the crowbar, one of the men pointed at me.
“Fuck! Get her!” He shouted as I rolled over to my back, swinging the metal bar into the knee of the one closest to me, satisfied when I heard the crunch of bone.
“I fucking told you, you idiots!” The guy driving shouted as the other pulled a gun and fired at me. The van hit another pothole,thankfully pushing his aim off and the bullet went wide from my head, pinging off the metal.
“Don’t fucking kill her! We need her alive.” The man shouted as I shakily got to my feet and swung the bar at the man with a now broken knee.
He screamed in agony as I hit his face, feeling the satisfaction and adrenaline rush through me as blood and teeth sprayed over the van.
“Fucking bitch. That is my brother.” The other man snarled; his gun now tucked away as he pulled out a knife.
I smiled, blinking rapidly as I tried to clear my vision before I swung at him, stumbling forward. I tried to catch myself but hit the side of the van hard, grunting as I bit my lip.
Fucking drugs in my system were still making me unsteady.
“Stupid bitch.” The man muttered as he tried to grab my arm, I elbowed him in the face, and he stumbled back.
“You can tell Alexsei that the only way he will bring me in is through killing me.” I spat and the man frowned.
“Alexseit? I don’t know who the fuck that is, bitch. The man we work for needs you alive.” He said with a smile, blood smearing his teeth.