Page 59 of Sinful Secrets
“He is an old schoolmate. His name’s Theo. He is great with computers. Helped me to do a background check on Hamish which I will say, did not bring up that he was directly associated with the Satan’s Serpents so good job on hiding that.” He said with a smile and I realized who he was talking about.
“Riley. You know Theo? The man who is in a relationship with Serena and Alejandro Mendez?” I asked and he nodded warily.
I laughed. I couldn’t believe that.
“What’s so funny?” He asked and I glanced at Alexsei who at least understood what I found amusing.
“You understand they are the Mexican Cartel right?” I asked and he shrugged.
“I knew he was connected in some way, but we haven’t spoken in a while and we don’t talk about that kind of thing when we play.” He said and I grinned.
“Riley, they aren’t connected. Alejandro and his brother Dante are the Cartel here in Sinclair Bay. Liam Walker is also in a relationship with them.” I added and his eyes widened.
“Wait. That’s how he is connected? He is the Chief of Police!” He said with shock, though no one else seemed surprised.
“Yes, and he has been hopelessly in love with Serena for his whole life. She was with them so he had to be a part of their circle to be with her. It works for them. He puts truly bad people away and in return, we get someone helping us from time to time with annoyances.” I said with a shrug.
“Christ. Well, Theo said that he could help with potential staff if I desperately needed it so I am going to call in the favor.” He said with a look of determination that I knew meant he wasn’t backing out.
“Very well. We need to meet at that location.” I said, giving the phone to Alexsei.
“Are you planning on coming now that your cover is potentially gone?” I asked and he sighed.
“No. I think I will risk it for now. If I feel like things are going badly, I’ll go to Tol and Mik.” He said and I nodded.
“Well, let's go.” I said, feeling like things were about to get so much worse.
Twenty four
Iwent to another room to make my call to Theo, knowing what I did now it all made sense. I had never truly paid much attention to the criminal underground, being too wrapped up in my own problems.
“Riley. What’s up, man?” He said on the third ring and I heard the sound of a baby wailing in the background.
“Congrats man,” I said and he chuckled.
“You can hear that? It’s surreal. We just got home from the hospital tonight with a tiny human to care for. Life is weird you know?” He said and I could tell he was smiling.
“Look, I really hate to do this to you right now but I need your help,” I said, feeling guilty instantly.
“Anything. You didn’t get yourself in trouble with the Warriors, did you?” He asked, reminding me that I had yet to tell Katerina about that side of my life.
“No. This is about the café. Do you know that favor you offered me a while ago? I need to call it in.” I said and he hummed.
“You need some staff? We can do that. When do you need them?” He asked and I grimaced.
“Tomorrow? I have a new manager but she has only done one shift. I can get my other two staff in to help but they are part-time students.” I said and he whistled low.
“Tight but I can make it work for you. Anything else?” He asked as the sound of the baby crying became distant.
“Ahh... yeah. Would you mind dropping in to check on my Ma for me? I’ll send you the details for the nursing home she is in. Her memory isn’t good anymore, but I would feel more comfortable knowing someone I trust is checking in on her.” I said.
“Of course. Is everything okay Ri?” He asked softly and I sighed.
“Yeah. Something has come up with the woman I am dating, and we need to leave town for a while.” I said and Theo snorted.
“Who is this chick man? It sounds like she is more hassle than you need.” He joked and I bristled even though I knew he was joking.