Page 63 of Sinful Secrets
Iwinced as I sat on the luxurious bed that was definitely larger than a king. I had no doubt it was a custom-built bed big enough to fit Rosslyn and all her men so they didn’t have to sleep separately.
The styling throughout the lodge, because I refused to call this monstrosity a cabin, was chic and crisp in neutral tones but with soft edges that made it feel relaxing.
I glanced at the bedside table and raised my eye at the books.HyggeandIkigaistood out and I huffed a breath.
There were touches of Rosslyn everywhere in here. I knew she ran her own women’s classes that were more spiritual than psychological, and she had clearly been here more than once.
This place probably served as a holiday home for them as well and I wasn’t surprised. It was beautiful.
The minute we pulled into the long winding driveway, I felt a sense of relief and calm.
My life was in shambles. I had gone so far into this pit of snakes that I had no idea where to climb out, who to trust, and where to turn.
I needed a break to clear my mind and find the threads to follow.
Before I could spiral down a mental rabbit hole and get myself worked up with anxiety and tension, Riley appeared in the doorway with a soft smile.
“Hey. How are you doing, Kitten?” He said and I smiled at the nickname.
It was silly, but I liked it, and coming from him, it sounded sensual and soft.
Something I never felt in my world.
“I’m fine. I need to sit down at the computer and do some searching…” I started and he sighed, walking over to the bed and gripping my shoulders.
“No, Kat. You need to take a break and get some rest. The problems will still be there tomorrow. We have others looking into things for us so you can stop, just for a short time, and take care of yourself.” He said firmly and I looked at him, feeling the fight rising.
I couldn’t stop. If I stopped, someone would take from me everything I had earned.
“I can see your mind working, Kat. Please. I’m asking you just for a short time, to take a step back. Let us take care of you so you can recover your strength.” He said softly.
“I’m fine. I just need to look at the big picture. I need to find Victor. He holds information that I think will hold the key.” I said, standing and pushing his hands away.
He narrowed his eyes but didn’t stop me.
“Fine. Continue to work yourself into the ground and don’t trust us. Don’t trust me. Because that makes me feel fucking amazing.” He snapped and I flinched.
“I’m sorry, Riley. I didn’t know who to trust.” I said and he sighed.
“I know. I get it. It hurt, but I get it. Well, sort of. But you have to trust us now. I have no intention of hurting you. I want to love you, Kat. I want to show you that life doesn’t need to be full of pain and suffering all the time. Will you let me?” His eyes were wide and tender and my heart ached.
This man was too gentle, too kind for me and my world. I should say no.
“Riley. You could get hurt. This world, it’s not kind to people like you.” I said and he took a step back, his eyes hard.
“People like me? What is that supposed to mean?” He asked, voice cold.
“I mean, people who are kind, gentle, sweet, and full of life. You deserve a woman who will nurture you and give you the softness that I can’t.” I said and he laughed.
“You have no idea who I am Kat. You know a part of me that I chose to show. I am not as soft and kind as you seem to think and if you just let me in, I can prove that to you.” He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.
“Really? Do you think you can handle being with me, Riley? I kill men and I enjoy it. I enjoy watching the people who are my enemies balk in fear and struggle as their life drains from their bodies. I enjoy making grown men cower before me when they piss me off because they underestimate me. I like the money and the power that comes from my life. Can you handle that? Can you handle the blood on my hands?” I said as harshly as I could and his eyes darkened as he stepped toward me.
“Yes. I can handle everything you are Katerina because I love you. I don’t care how many lives fall at your hands. I don’t care how many men you boss around and how much money you make and where you get it from. I don’t care about any of that, Kitten.” He said softly, backing me up until my knees hit the bed.
He gently pushed me down onto my back and then leaned over me, his eyes dark as they roamed my face, his hands framing my head as he pressed his body against mine.
“What I care about is the kind of woman you are behind closed doors with me.” He said and I took a shuddering breath, my pulse beating rapidly at the warmth of his body.