Page 70 of Sinful Secrets
Iwandered out of the bedroom in search of coffee when I noticed Leo out on the deck. It was early morning, the late autumn sun barely peaking from the horizon and casting an etheric glow through the trees, a light fog adding to the enchantment.
I had gone to bed with Riley by my side last night and I had no idea where Leo had slept. I noticed the coffee pot was already on and smiled.
Before pouring myself a cup, I quietly went outside, watching as Leo inhaled slowly, his eyes closed in deep meditation as he sat on his yoga mat.
“Care to join me?” He said softly and I sat next to him, our knees brushing against each other.
“I didn’t take you for a meditation kind of guy,” I said softly as I looked at the tree line, watching the fog swirl around the trucks.
“I enjoy the stillness and the strength that comes from meditation. It helps my mind stay clear and sharp, especially in a fight. The yoga is good for recovery and lengthening my muscles.” He replied, eyes opening to look at me.
“How did you sleep?” He asked and I shrugged. It was weird to have such an intimate, mundane conversation with everything that was going on.
“Rina. We may be here under circumstances that are less than ideal, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make the most of our time here. Treat this as a holiday.” He said with a smile and I sighed.
“I don’t do holidays. My life never allowed for it.” I ran my hands over my arms to try and chase away the chill.
“Your life is different now. You aren’t doing it alone anymore.” He said softly and I winced.
“I know. But it will take some time for me to adjust to that. I have only ever let someone in once and he was taken from me.” I whispered and Leo nodded.
“I know. But we are right here. You can’t deny yourself happiness because of fear of the past. It’s time to let that go. Will you trust me?” He asked suddenly, getting to his knees.
“yes,” I said warily and he sat behind me, his legs on either side of mine as he gently pulled me against his back.
“The last time you had me in a similar position, I seem to recall getting an orgasm from it.” I joked as he wrapped his arms around me.
“Hmm, well if you’re a good girl, maybe you will get another.” He said and I could feel the smile against my ear.
“But right now, I want to show you what my kink is.” He whispered and heat instantly went to my core, making me slightly frustrated that I was on my period.
Why did these two men decide now was the time to tease me?
“I don’t know if I should be intrigued or scared,” I said lightly, but remembering his talented fingers, I wasn’t sure I cared.
“Close your eyes, Sweetheart.” He said softly and I took a breath, then did as he said.
“Lean back against me. Let me take all your weight.” He coaxed as one arm wrapped around my waist and the other pressed against my chest, guiding me to lean further into his body.
I sank into his warmth, surprised by how calm I instantly felt.
“I want you to shift your focus to my breath. Feel my chest rise and fall against your back. Listen to my inhale and exhale.” He said softly and I shifted my awareness to his chest, feeling the long, slow rise as he deeply inhaled, then the slow fall as he exhaled.
“Now I want you to copy me. Inhale as I inhale…that’s it. Now, exhale.” His hand was still firmly against my chest, his other arm still wrapped around my waist but as I continued to mimic his breathing, focused only on the rise and fall of his chest, I found myself sinking deeper into him.
My surroundings disappeared and my shoulders relaxed as I became aware of only his touch.
“That’s it, Sweetheart. Feel my breath as your breath, don’t stop.” He said gently before he began to move his hands.
His fingertips lightly brushed over my arms and my breath caught, goosebumps erupting over my body.
“Don’t stop focusing on my breathing, Rina. In and out.” He purred in my ear before he lightly pressed a kiss to the skin behind my ear.
His fingers trailed over my chest in such a delicate caress I barely felt it and craved more.
I wanted to feel his hands on me, to feel them press against my skin.