Page 94 of Sinful Secrets
“Here. Go. I’ll try to keep her happy with breakfast before you get back. Take your phone in case we need to call you.” He said and I grabbed the keys, tossed my towel onto the counter, and jogged outside.
It was crazy really, a few months ago if you had told me I would be rushing to get to the store to get coffee for a woman who ran a criminal empire and was in a relationship with three other men, because no matter what she and Hamish tried to claim, they were in a relationship, I would have laughed.
I switched my phone on, something I hadn’t done since we arrived, and winced when I saw the screen light up with messages and missed calls.
A lot of missed calls. I knew who they were from. Vinnie.
I scrolled through them quickly, seeing them progressively become more and more aggressive when I noticed a missed call from Tamika.
I hesitated, but it may have been something to do with the gym, so I listened to the voicemail.
“Leo. I don’t know where you are hiding right now, but Daddy is mad, and he is out for blood. He warned you. He is coming for the gym. This all could have been avoided if you just took me up on the offer.” She said before hanging up.
I really needed to sort this out, but doing so meant leaving and I wasn’t leaving Katerina right now.
I grabbed the bags of groceries and hauled stopped when I heard the shouting.
I hurried in, thinking something had gone wrong when I saw an amused-looking Alexsei and an exasperated Riley.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Katerina shouted from down the hallway, and I glanced at Riley.
“What happened?” I asked as I unpacked everything, and Riley grabbed the coffee.
“You’ll find out.” He said with a sigh.
“I think you are overreacting, Love. It’s just a towel.” Hamish said and I groaned as I watched him walk down the hallway with nothing but a pair of sweatpants on.
I froze, looking at his chest. There were scars littered all over him and when he turned around to speak to Katerina who was currently storming after him with a towel in hand, I saw more over his back.
What the hell had this guy done?
I wasn’t the only one staring, Riley and Alexsei both had the same look of shock on their faces, and I realized that we mayhave seen his bare ass, but this was the first time he had been bare-chested.
“It’s soaking wet! All the towels are wet because you refuse to hang them up. Were you dropped on your fucking head as a child?” Katerina snapped as she threw the towel at him.
“Harsh Love. Sticks and stones as they say. You know what would fix this pent-up rage?” He said with a grin, and I groaned.
“Don’t say it.” She snarled.
“What? You know as well as I do that sex would fix this. Let me give you an orgasm or two to fix your attitude.” He said.
I watched her, seeing the way her eye twitched and I looked around for the knives.
“It’s like he has a death wish,” Riley muttered under his breath.
Katerina smiled, but it was the kind of smile that sent chills down my spine. The kind she gave that man before she slit his throat.
“Don’t fall asleep Hamish. You might just wake up to find yourself buried alive. Or with a few limbs missing.” She crooned as she walked toward him.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Love.” He replied before tweaking her nose.
She stared up at him, their bodies so close they were almost touching, and you could almost see the tension in the air.
Honestly, I was starting to side with Hamish here. I think they needed to just fuck already.
“It’s never going to happen. I would rather die than fuck you, Hamish. I don’t like to lose.” She added and that got his attention.