Page 18 of Owned By Frank
- Do I look submissive? - I say sarcastically.
- Or baby, even if I wanted to I would just ask you to be my sex object, but no. I'm not that kind of man, after all, they all come to me sooner or later... – he looks at me shamelessly.
- You're so stupid! - I push him.
He smiles at me with pleasure and looks at me as if he is expecting something. Obviously my answer is what he longs for.
- What happens if I don't accept? - I raise an eyebrow.
- Then - think about it - you'll go back to your "Dearest" room in the basement and rot there until I get my hands on you...
I look at him with astonishment.
I think ... I’ll think about it, that's a pretty good proposal, but what kind of work is it to just look beautiful and smile?
All that in exchange for my freedom, I can do it but, will this have any consequence?
- How long should I carry out this lie?
- I assure you that it will not be more than two months...
I think about it over and over again until I say to myself, "Anything for my freedom. "
- I accept... - I say firmly.
- Perfect then...
- But - I'm interrupting you - I'll make my rules.
His look is overwhelming, it's as if he doesn't believe what I'm saying.
- What do you mean? You're kidding, right? The only one who makes the rules here is me.
- Well, that's going to change...
- Are you still fucking with me? Of course not!
- Oh, of course I do. Believe me, I don't mind staying in the basement at all.
- You are the most annoying girl I have ever met! - she says, shaking her hair.
- Take it or leave it handsome... - I smile at him.
He looks at me with mockery and arranges every strand of hair.
- What makes you think I'll accept? There are countless girls on my list who could do that job. Why do you think you're the only one?
I blink patiently and approach him seductively. He tenses and looks carefully at each step I take, his gaze eats me up and down, his hand wants to touch me but he prevents himself from doing so. I slowly touch his face followed by his chest. I rise on my tiptoes to his ear and without waiting for more whispering:
- Why, that's simple. Because you know that I will be the best in that job, you know perfectly well that I, I will do it better than them and if it is not enough, it is because you want me ...
His smile confirms everything I have said. His eyes are fixed on mine as she tightens his jaw.
- I listen to you...
I celebrate my achievement in my heart and I know exactly what I'm going to say.
- My rules are simple. I will choose what to wear, only I will take care of my personal arrangement. You will not get me into anything that is illegal. Whatever happens, you will protect me above all and above all, you will let me leave this room, wherever I want, of course if you like and if it makes you feel better you can put me on guard but I will not stay in this room. And most important of all Frank, I will not do any work such as sleeping with you ...