Page 25 of Owned By Frank
- God you scared me! - raise your voice.
I laughed at the scary look on his pale face.
I slowly approach her while hiding the package behind my back. She notices my short closeness and soon extends her hand upwards. My laughter is not due to her sudden act but to the book she is holding firmly.
- What do you do? - I say laughing.
- Stay away or I swear this book will crash into your face! –
I don't avoid it and I cover my lips with the palm of my hand to avoid laughing more powerfully.
- Stop that Grace, believe it or not I come in peace.
She looks at me with a scowl and rolls her eyes, nods and then throws the book at the bed.
- Now what? - She breathes a sigh.
- I brought you this... - I'll hand you the package I'm holding.
His look is curious as well as his intentions, so she extends his hands so that I can deposit the material in his power.
- What is it? - she asks.
- Let's say it's something like a small gift from your beloved fiancé.
- Ha! That's funny!
- Open it. –I order.
She obeys and undoes the wrapping with clumsiness. But how delicate..
I try to get closer but she raises her index finger.
- Stop right there handsome! I can handle it myself – she says as a threat.
She slowly pulls the garment out while I hold back the laughter just at the moment she reacts.
She looks closely at the garment and opens her eyes as if she had just seen the devil himself.
- You're kidding if you think I'll wear this!
I laugh hard without being able to hold it.
- No problem for me. It's either that or you just go in your panties and hold on, it's up to you. But of course the second option is more exciting...
- Ugh! Would you stop being a pervert for one second?!
I turn around ready to leave.
- Frank I'm serious! I'm not wearing this! Frank I'm talking to you!
I cover my ears with both hands and head for the exit.
- I'm not wearing this, Frank! - she shouts.
I ignore his words and rush out of the place.
- At this rate we'll be late! - complains Dante.