Page 30 of Owned By Frank
I show him a slight smile.
- Oh, Grace, my name is Grace... - I say offering you my hand.
He smiles at me and takes it, but he gives it a complete turn, leaving my back in view. He doesn't wait any longer and places a kiss on that part. I look at him a bit shyly.
- Would you give me the honor of granting me this piece, it would be a total pleasure to dance with such beauty...
- I... I don't think I can, I came with...
- It will only be one piece, just one, that's all I'm asking...
He looks at me in hope so I do not allow myself to reject him. I offer him a smile and then nod.
He extends his arm to me and I hesitate for a second to accept it. I sigh hopelessly and take it, we both head for the track.
The guy holds my waist and I just put my hands on his forearms to avoid getting close.
Then we start the slow dance, we dance to the music for a few seconds until someone touches my shoulder making my legs stop. I turn my heart to a thousand, praying that it is not who I imagine.
Luckily for me it's only the dark guy in a gray tuxedo.
- I'm sorry but the dance ends here and now Grace - he says in all seriousness.
I walk away from the guy I was dancing with a few seconds ago.
- Dante, long time no see – I say
- Not now - whispers the dark man angrily.
The man who is still on the dance floor takes my hand and kisses my back again. To whisper in low:
- I hope that next time, our dance will last longer Grace, I hope to see again the young lady who has stolen my heart...
Before I can respond, Dante takes my hand and pulls me away from the guy.
His steps stop followed by mine. His hands take my waist and start a slow dance. I look at him in awe and cannot help but to keep going.
- If you wanted to dance you just had to tell me, not drag me out and have that haughty behavior in front of that man
- And do you know who that man is? - He smiles with irony.
- And you do? - I say fulminant.
- That man is the stupidest guy you'll ever meet, besides being the number one enemy of your beloved fiancé. Just be thankful that he took you away from him or else you'd be in his car on your way to his mansion right now. Believe me, if he gets you in his head, not even your beloved Frank will be able to help you
I am stunned to hear those words, when Dante looks at me angrily and lets go of my body to get out of my sight. I stand in the middle of the track thinking about his words, thinking also about apologizing for having had that behavior.
It is then that an ordeal of men passes by, all of them with beautiful young women. At the head of all of them is Frank who talks and laughs at the same time, all of them laugh at his comment.
His blues connect with mine and he gives me a smile. He says something to all those who follow him and they take their partners to join the dance.
Frank approaches one of the musicians and says something. In a matter of seconds the music stops and then instantly sounds a slow and delicate ballad.
He smiled, shaking his head. Frank came closer to me this time and as he arrived he extended the palm of his hand.
- Do you dance with your beautiful fiancé?
I laugh without being able to believe it. But how vainly it came out.