Page 53 of Owned By Frank
- You fucking scared me! – I put a hand on my chest.
Frank leans at the door and crosses his arms seriously.
- What was that about earlier? - he asks seriously.
- Nothing. -
- Grace... - insists on being annoying.
I take out my lipstick and carefully go over it with my mouth.
- Grace, I'm talking to you, answer me. - complains even more seriously.
I snort and irritably keep the material in my bag to face it.
- God, didn't you notice that? - I look at him indignantly.
- what? - Frowning without understanding.
- That girl has been hitting on you! And the worst part? You're so stupid you don't even realize it! - I spit in anger.
He looks at me in confusion and tries to make something coherent come out of his mouth.
- You are... Are you jealous?
Oh... Shit...
- Of course not! Why should I be? - trying to hide any sign of nervousness.
- You're jealous, Grace! – he smiles.
- I said no! - I flatly deny.
- Oh yes you are!
- No!
- Yes! - he insists.
- No!
- Yes! And you know how I know? - Grabs my jaw - Because you're red as a tomato...
We both kept quiet. Perfect now I can't deny it, what can I say? That I've caught a cold again? that would be stupid. Frank would instantly stop the flight and goodbye trip. Goodbye important business with that Jakob and his hateful sister.
- It's okay to be jealous! How can I not be? You told me yourself that I was yours and I made it clear to you that that includes you being mine!
Frank smiles and can't believe it. He probably thinks I'm lying and I swear that if I am I'm going to make him swallow his own teeth.
Quickly and cunningly he takes my wrists and puts me against the pered.
I give a slight shout on impact until its closeness takes my breath away.
- Grace... - whisper very close to me - you're not going to tell me you're falling in love with me, are you?
I stay neutral when I see their beautiful blues. Seeing how her smile doesn't disappear even when I look at my impact. Seeing the hope she transmits to me.
Am I in love with him? Do I like Frank? Can anyone get your attention in a short time?