Page 58 of Owned By Frank
- No... - he admits with pride.
- So...
- I have you. - cuts me off.
I am perplexed to hear it.
- I have you Grace... - repeat - I have power, I have money and I have you - he takes me by the waist to get close to him - After all, you are my queen, aren't you? - he asks proudly - You can give me everything that money can't buy Grace...
I try to talk but I don't just smile and can't believe what I just heard.
He looks at me mischievously and takes my hand again. He intertwines it with his and continues to walk.
- So I can give you everything, huh? - I say.
He nods and looks down.
I play with the water that slides down my feet. I did not realize at what point we had come so close to the shore. I make a movement with my leg and small drops of water hit Frank's skin. He smiles and repeats my action. I do the same thing and he responds to me equally by attacking.
I push him slightly and he pushes harder. I repeat my act and he does it equally with the difference that this time I stumble and fall into the water.
Frank laughs and that action takes me by surprise. He laughs at the top of his lungs trying to control himself.
- Keep laughing. You'll see when you take my place.
I stop in one go just as Frank starts to run.
I put all the speed I have and when I am near him I don't wait any longer and I throw myself at his back.
He lets out a slight whimper and falls down with me. I don't give him time to move and I climb on top of him. We don't give a shit if the few people there are watching us.
Frank laughs and with little air he says he gives up, I laugh at the top of my lungs and get up and let him breathe more easily.
- You're fucking strong... –and tries to breathe.
- What are you talking about?
- And that is delicate? - he mocks.
- Do you want to see something delicate? - I raise an eyebrow.
He repeats my action. I do not give him time to respond, I take his neck and draw him towards me to join our lips.
He stands completely still, but seconds later he takes my cheeks and gives me my due.
We kissed very slowly enjoying the moment until we heard a slight cough.
Frank is separated from me so that we can both see who it is.
He is completely astonished to see the beautiful young woman in front of us.
- How are you, Frank? - she says with a smiling smile.
- What are you doing here, Scartlett? - he mumbles seriously.
Who is she?