Page 62 of Owned By Frank
I turn to leave but Frank's hand holds me by the waist making me look very close to him.
One of his hands caresses my cheek and this time he smiles tenderly at me.
- You are beautiful... - he says quietly.
- You too, I mean, handsome. You are handsome - I laugh at my stupidity.
He takes my cheek again and kisses my lips lightly.
We interlace our hands and ready to go.
We leave the room and meet Dante, he lets out a long sigh and without saying anything leaves the room. Frank starts walking and I follow him.
We left the room and entered the elevator without saying anything.
We reach the first floor and there are about a hundred very presentable people walking around.
We are dedicated in going to the garden and when we arrive the number of people increases more.
In the distance we saw the redhead and her brother, Jakob.
The man, on seeing us, begins to approach us in a hurry.
- I don't want that guy coming anywhere near you, okay? - Frank orders.
Seat, in a way I know that man is not bad but his attention to me makes me feel uncomfortable.
Once again, we intertwine our hands and start to work until we reach them.
- I hope you are enjoying the trip... - says Jakob.
The three of us let out a sigh at the same time.
- You have no idea... - mumbles Dante.
- That makes me happy... - replies with a slight smile.
- Very good evening ladies and gentlemen - a voice interrupts us - I hope with all my heart that you are enjoying this evening, for me it is a complete pleasure to be the new owner of this wonderful place. I just wish you a happy vacation my dear guests. Enjoy the evening...
Without further ado, Scartlett comes down from the stage just as the music begins to play.
Frank has a serious look and squeezes my hand tightly. The hate in his eyes startles me. I let out a slight groan when his grip gets stronger.
He reacts and looks at me with fright.
- Excuse me, I'm sorry... – he kisses my knuckles.
Jakob approaches us again and extends a glass of wine to Frank and Dante. I look discreetly at the redhead and she casually keeps smiling at Dante.
- I guess I should consider you a partner... - says Frank seriously.
- We are now officially partners. - Both of them shake hands and dedicate themselves to speaking in that language I can't understand.
I look closely at the woman, at Scartlett. She talks to a few ladies happily. Why does Frank get so angry just looking at her?
I hate to be curious, but I can't help it.
She looks at me and shows seriousness. Her face shows a certain indifference, she does not show that smile as she used to do in the afternoon.