Page 64 of Owned By Frank
I look at it with a certain amount of anger.
- What shouldn't take long? - I smile without humor - do you know how stupid that sounds? - I whisper angrily.
He remains silent, it is then that I deny with the head and I hurry to look for Frank.
I find the redhead and the brown man still dancing. Dante looks at me and releases Nathalie's hand and approaches me.
- Is something wrong? - confusing question - What about Frank? - he whispers, looking around.
- I haven't seen him. He disappeared with Scartlett... - I can tell that my voice sounds altered.
- Don't worry, I'll go get him.
I sit repeatedly hugging my body. I feel cold, my body is shaking, I definitely just want to leave this place.
Nathalie looks at me with some confusion and without waiting any more she comes to me.
- Is something wrong? - a curious question.
I look at it with confusion. I don't want to talk to her but I don't have another choice.
- Yes... Frank, he has disappeared with Scartlett...
Her expression changes and a seriousness is outlined on every part of her face.
- That bitch...
- What? - I ask as I listen.
- Did you really let that bitch take him away? - She crosses her arms and looks at me with sarcasm.
- Can you tell me what you mean? –
She snorts and fixes her hair.
- Honey, I know you hate me, I don't blame you too - I smile - but even I'm not stupid enough to let my man go with a bitch like Scartlett.
- Why do you call her that? This morning she...
- Was she nice to you? - She cuts me off - Did she offer you her cute snake smile? God you are so pathetic! Even though you know what she did to Frank you left her with him? - she says rolling her eyes.
I look at her confused. What did you just say? her expression changes drastically and her gaze remains confused.
- God, didn't you know?
Know what?
Frank’s POV.
- Well? - I walk ahead - Now what do you want from me? - I'm serious.
- Lower the fumes already Frank... - says Scartlett getting in front of me quickly.
I roll my eyes and put my hands into each pocket of my pants.
- Are you going to tell me what the fuck you want or did you just separate me from Grace for this? - I stress hate in every word.
She smiles sideways and that's when her mask falls off.