Page 79 of Owned By Frank
- It's okay. - He nods.
He stands up and grabs my jaw with one hand to bring it to his lips.
- You and I are not finished, Grace... - he whispers.
I give her a mocking look and turn around to walk straight out the door.
- I am serious. - he says louder.
I turn around and look at him smiling.
- Whatever the "king" says - I just turn around and continue my journey to my room.
Frank’s POV
I look at Dante carefully, the dark one seems worried.
- Will you tell me what's going on or will you just stand there like a fucking statue? - .
He holds his jaw and with his index finger rubs the small amount of beard that is lodged in his skin.
- I solved the Scartlett issue...
I get serious.
- Really? And what did you do with her? - I ask with no interest.
I don't care anyway, but I need to know if that crazy woman is going to stay away from me and especially away from Grace.
She is disturbed with this ridiculous obsession of being in charge, she went as far as to do something crazy in order to obtain her objective.
- My men took her to another country. I have everything arranged. Don't worry about that case, she is under control, and I assure you that you will never see her again...
I sit down slightly but this doesn't end, no. If it did, Dante wouldn't look at me with the same concern as before. I know that something is making him uneasy.
- Will you really tell me why you have come? - I let out a tired sigh as I put on the T-shirt that I had taken off a moment ago.
Dante examines me with his eyes and I feel that what he is about to say will not be good.
- It's all over, the threat has come to an end and we've fixed the fucking problem. Scartlett will be out of the game for a very long time. On the other hand your plan with Jakob went perfectly. You will no longer be threatened by the issue of commitment since a new partner has already been made, which means...
Take a long break.
- Which means what...? - I'm serious.
He looks at me with discomfort.
- Which means that the deal with Grace is completely over. Which means she's now free...
I am stunned by his statement. He is right. The deal is over, Grace is free...
I shuffle uncomfortably in bed, throw all the pillows off the base to give me more room to stretch my arms freely.
Uncomfortable, again, I pull the little sheet aside and leave my body uncovered.
For some reason my anatomy feels hotter than normal.