Page 27 of Forbidden Fruit
"Good morning," he rumbled, voice gravelly with drowsiness.
"Morning," I replied, suddenly feeling shy. The intimacy of waking up wrapped in each other's arms was new, fragile.
Sensing my self-consciousness, Leonardo drew me against his chest. "How did you sleep?" he asked, pressing a kiss to my hair.
"Better than I have in weeks," I admitted, melting into him. The tension I often carried melted away in Leonardo's embrace. With him, I felt protected enough to lower my guard completely.
We lay quietly for a few more blissful minutes, just holding each other close. I wished we could stay cocooned here forever, away from the complications of family and loyalty awaiting us beyond these walls.
With a sigh, I forced myself to peer at the bedside clock. My heart lurched - it was already after 7am. I sat bolt upright.
"Is it that late already?" I exclaimed. At Leonardo's confused look, I explained "I need to get home before my family notices I'm gone!"
If they discovered I had sneaked out all night to be with Leonardo, there would be severe consequences. Not just for me, but for him too.
Leonardo propped himself up and took my hand reassuringly. "Getting you home safe won't be a problem. We'll take my car and have you back in no time."
His confidence eased my panic. Of course Leonardo would know how to navigate this risky situation expertly. With his help, perhaps we could keep our stolen night together a secret after all.
While Leonardo ordered breakfast from room service, I quickly washed and changed back into my dress from last night. No sense risking being seen in the clothes Leonardo had brought me. I finger-combed my tangled hair into something presentable.
When I emerged, Leonardo let out an appreciative whistle that made me blush. "Just as beautiful by morning light," he remarked, handing me a steaming cup of coffee.
We ate breakfast hurriedly, both aware of the ticking clock. But even rushing, there was an intimacy in sharing this meal, sittingclose together in our pajamas. I wanted to wrap myself in the feeling, cling to this fragile moment of normalcy just a little longer.
All too soon, it was time to go. We rode the elevator down in charged silence. I knew returning to reality meant new dangers, this haven now forever out of reach.
At the sleek sports car, Leonardo gave me an inscrutable look. "Ready for a ride you won't forget?" Before I could ask what he meant, he pressed the keyfob and the vehicle purred to life, retractable roof sliding away.
My eyes widened in delight. I had never ridden in a convertible before. As an heiress, I was rarely even allowed to ride in the passenger seat. But now, wind whipping through my hair as Leonardo expertly handled the car at high speeds, I felt free.
We exchanged few words, both savoring this fleeting moment of escape. I forgot about suspicions and consequences, losing myself in the sun on my face and the man beside me.
Too soon, Leonardo pulled over a discreet distance from my family's estate. We sat for a moment, the weight of reality settling back over us. This parting felt different - full of unspoken fears about unseen dangers ahead.
Leonardo took my hands firmly in his, meeting my anxious gaze. "Listen to me. It's not safe to contact each other normally anymore. Here..."
He took out a flip phone I recognized as a burner, untraceable. "Only call this number if there is an absolute emergency. Otherwise, it's too risky." His dark eyes conveyed the seriousness.
I swallowed hard and nodded, accepting the untraceable lifeline. We both knew the forces threatening to tear us apart were quickly closing in. This could be the last time we saw each other for a long while.
Unable to stop myself, I pulled Leonardo into a sudden, desperate kiss. "Please be careful," I choked out against his lips.
Leonardo held me tight, returning the kiss with equal fervor. "You too, my love."
With immense effort, I forced myself to exit the car on shaky legs before I lost my resolve. As the sports car sped away, tears blurred my vision. Saying goodbye to Leonardo never got easier. Each parting felt like another crack in my heart.
Wiping my eyes fiercely, I straightened my shoulders and walked the rest of the way home alone. Time to put my masks back on and pretend, keep Leonardo and our stolen night forever a secret.
But inside, my spirit clung to the memory of wind rushing through my hair as he drove us faster, freer than I'd ever been. For one perfect night, Leonardo had helped me feel that kind of breathless exhilaration again. It would have to sustain me through whatever came next.
I stood outside the towering estate walls, heart pounding. Time was running short to get back inside unseen before the household fully awoke.
With unsteady hands, I retrieved my phone and sent a whispered prayer he would answer as I dialed Enzo.
To my immense relief, he picked up on the second ring. "Natalia?" came Enzo's hushed voice. "Where are you?"
"Outside the east garden wall," I whispered back urgently. "Can you let me in through the side gate?"