Page 45 of Forbidden Fruit
Ashley giggled. "Work it girl! Give the people what they want." She playfully fanned herself and pretended to stumble into the waiting arms of a nearby star athlete.
I covered my mouth to smother delighted laughter at their exaggerated antics. How had I ever gotten through dreary days without Ashley? Her sunny spirit never failed to lift my own.
Still, as we continued through groups of affluent students, something niggled at me. A prickling sense of familiarity I couldn't place at first. And then suddenly it hit me.
The expensive designer clothes and accessories. The casually arrogant manner. The scrutinizing once-over glances from some evaluating if I was worth their time. I knew that world, had grown up surrounded by its opulence and privilege. But not all of them came by it honorably.
As I studied the crowd closer, I recognized subtle signs - a heavy ring embossed with a crest, a guardian's luxury vehicle with tinted windows, two Stern-faced men standing at attentionnearby. This elite academy was a front for more than just academics.
Many of these seemingly carefree teens were scions of mafia empires, being groomed to continue the family reign one day. It was a revelation that clearly had bypassed the ever-sunny Ashley.
For now, I just smiled and waved cheerily back at a group of haughty boys. Their calculating eyes reminded me of the circling sharks back home. But I had been swimming with piranhas my whole life.
Linking my arm through Ashley's confidently, I steered us away from prying eyes toward her next class. I would not let deceitful vipers slither into my one safe haven of light and friendship.
While Ashley was in Calculus, I decided to explore the sprawling campus alone, curious to take it all in. The polished scene was like a movie set version of an elite boarding school. I found it all bizarrely charming.
Out on the athletic fields, I watched a match of field hockey, enthralled by the game's fast pace and skill. On a lush courtyard, students played energetic rounds of frisbee and volleyball between classes, laughter ringing through the air.
This was the world most kids my age saw as totally ordinary. But to me, it was mesmerizing in its simple normalcy. A tantalizingglimpse of a path not taken, though never completely off limits if I dared reach for it.
I found a shady spot under a sprawling oak tree near the athletic fields and settled in, content to people watch. Students flowed by, chatting and laughing in the dappled afternoon light. It was all so refreshingly ordinary.
A raucous cheer arose from the direction of the tennis courts. I glanced over curiously to see an athletic match in progress. Preppy girls in skirts razor-focused as they lunged and dove for returns, ponytails swishing.
On the sidelines, a handsome sandy-haired boy stood watching avidly. I was admiring his sharp jawline when suddenly he looked right at me. Our eyes locked and he flashed a grin that could only be described as charming.
Before I could react, he sauntered over. “Don’t think I’ve seen you around before. You new here?” he asked casually, though his blue eyes were alert beneath the nonchalant act.
“Visiting actually,” I answered breezily, intrigued to play along. When would I ever have a chance like this again? “I’m Natalia, friend of Ashley’s.”
“Ah, Ashley! No wonder you looked familiar.” The boy smiled wider and I noticed a small dimple in his left cheek. “I’m Derek. Ashley never mentioned she had such intriguing friends.”
I ducked my head, hoping my blush could pass for maidenly shyness. In truth I was simply unused to such overt flattery from handsome strangers. It was entertaining.
We chatted more, exchanging light banter about classes and campus gossip. Derek maneuvered to sit closer, though kept a courteous distance. Up close, his preppy wholesome vibe seemed at odds with the hint of danger in his smile. Another wolf in sheep’s clothing perhaps.
I was laughing at a witty aside of Derek’s when suddenly a petite blonde stormed over, rage in her pretty features. “What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded, glaring daggers at me.
Derek rolled his eyes, annoyance flickering across his face. “Chill out, Bree. We’re just talking.” Though his body language remained relaxed, tension simmered beneath the surface.
The girl - Bree apparently - placed manicured hands on her slim hips. “She your new conquest then?” Her spiteful gaze raked me up and down. “Hardly worth the effort, if you ask me.”
I froze, stunned by her spite. Derek opened his mouth angrily but I stood, cutting him off. If this girl wanted a confrontation, she would get one.
I stepped close so only she could hear my low words. “You clearly have me mistaken for someone who cares for your opinion. But insult me again at your own peril.” I held her stare coldly.
Bree recoiled, failing to match my steel. She masked it quickly with haughty indifference. “Whatever. Come on Derek, leave Charity Case here to her melodrama.” Grabbing his wrist, she flounced off without a backwards glance.
I watched them go, adrenaline and anger still simmering in my veins. So much for my wholesome school day. The vipers' nest of wealth and ego was the same no matter where you went it seemed.
Before I could sink back into resentment, Ashley came bounding over, bubbly as ever. “Heya! Was that Derek Axton you were with? Major hottie alert!” She waggled her eyebrows playfully, making me laugh.
Ashley waggled her eyebrows playfully, making me laugh. "Come on, give me the dirt! Is Derek a good kisser or what?"
I swatted her arm lightly. "Oh stop, you know my heart belongs to Leonardo." At her exaggerated pout, I added, "Derek does seem nice though. We just talked."
As we strolled on through the sun-dappled courtyard, I hesitated before voicing something that had bothered me during the encounter.