Page 52 of Forbidden Fruit
Soon we had pulled safely out onto the street headed away from the academy and its hidden dangers. Only once we had put some distance between us and the sprawling ivy-covered buildings did I feel my racing pulse finally start to settle.
Ashley kept casting me sidelong glances, perhaps gauging if I was calm enough yet to rehash what had just transpired. "So any idea why that creepy guy just showed up to grab some random student?" she asked eventually, unable to contain her curiosity.
I shook my head, mind still puzzling over the odd encounter. "No clue. But I recognized the boy - Josh Lewis I think. Didn't seem like someone Vincent would associate with."
In fact, the longer I thought about it, the stranger the whole incident seemed. Why would a mafia prince stop to collect some ordinary prep school student? There must be a connection I was missing...
A chilling thought suddenly occurred to me. "You don't think...Josh and that guy could secretly be related or something?" I posed hesitantly. The opulent academy setting Vincent's clan, it wasn't a stretch to imagine other mafia ties existed within the student ranks.
Ashley's mouth dropped open. "Whoa! You really think there could be other mini mobsters going there?"
"Maybe," I said uneasily. "It would explain why Vincent showed up out of the blue for him."
I didn't mention the other subtle clues I'd noticed before - expensive family crests and watched-over teens. Ashley seemed to accept the polished academic setting at face value. Perhaps it was better she didn't know what sinister roots might run beneath that gilded surface.
Ashley tapped her fingers on the steering wheel thoughtfully. "Huh, I guess that's possible. Josh always did seem to haveendless money and killer cars for a high schooler. And he mostly hangs with other uber-rich kids."
I stayed silent, not wanting to feed Ashley's theories and risk her stumbling into edgier territory meant to stay hidden. She had enough to ponder already.
Luckily, we soon reached the downtown boutique district, providing a welcome mental reset. As Ashley expertly parallel parked, she shot me a devilish grin.
"Alright, enough excitement for one day! Time for some relaxing retail therapy." Looping her arm through mine, she steered us eagerly towards the glittering shop windows.
I laughed, letting her buoyant mood sweep me up once more. With Leonardo's big romantic date night to prepare for, focused friend time was just what I needed.
Inside the opulent boutique, I sat patiently while Ashley zipped through the towering aisles, plucking out shoeboxes excitedly. "I swear these strappy heels were made for your princess gown," she declared, opening the box with a flourish.
The dainty shoes were encrusted with crystals that caught the light dazzlingly. Slipping them on, I had to agree they perfectly complemented my Cinderella look for the special night ahead.
Ashley insisted on paying for the extravagant shoes, waving off my protests. "Consider it a early birthday gift," she said airily. "You need to be head-to-toe glammed up for your dream date."
Clutching the glossy designer bag protectively, I floated out of the store on cloud nine again. Already I could envision the enchanted evening - Leonardo's eyes lighting up seeing me so elegantly dressed up just for him. After so much uncertainty, I needed this magical escape more than ever.
As we walked leisurely back to the car, Ashley gave me a playful sideways glance. "Sooo...speaking of charming guys, when do I get to know more about this Derek you snuck off with?"
I rolled my eyes in mock exasperation, having expected this teasing. "Come on, I told you we just talked. He was just being friendly."
Ashley looked wholly unconvinced. "Mhmm sure, he just 'happened' to find you in that secluded romantic spot and gives you his number? The boy is clearly smitten already!"
I laughed at her exaggeration, giving her a light shove. "You're being ridiculous! We only just met." Still, I couldn't help smiling remembering Derek's roguish charm and effortless confidence.
Ashley just smirked knowingly as we got into the car. "Uh huh, just friends for now. But you should text him later so you don't lose that number on your hand!" She winked playfully.
I glanced down at the slightly smudged digits on my palm, intrigued by the notion of contacting magnetic Derek again. But that was something for another time. Tonight, my mind needed to be focused solely on Leonardo and our storybook date.
Still, some instinct told me Ashley was right - crossing paths with audacious Derek Axton at that elite academy likely wasn't the last I had seen of him.
Here's a continuation in a more natural feminine tone:
The drive back to Ashley's house was peaceful, letting me relax again after the eventful and somewhat unnerving day. Ashley kept the radio turned up, singing exuberantly as we sped through the suburban streets.
I found myself smiling and even joining in belting out a few choruses. Ashley's contagious high spirits were the perfect antidote to stress. With Leonardo's lavish date night to look forward to tomorrow, I was determined to maintain my lighthearted buzz.
After we pulled into the driveway, Ashley helped me carry my bounty of shopping bags inside. I intended to wait until closer to my date to put everything on again, but couldn't resist sneaking one awed peek at the graceful silhouettes together.
"You look like a modern day princess!" Ashley gushed, circling me excitedly. I could already picture Leonardo's captivatedexpression seeing me so elegantly dressed up just for him. After so much uncertainty lately, I needed this enchanted escape now more than ever.
Carefully re-boxing the finery for tomorrow night, I drifted up to the cozy guest room to unwind solo for a bit. With some privacy at last, I pulled out my phone and opened my brother Enzo's messages, thoughts turning to my fragmented family situation again.