Page 56 of Forbidden Fruit
I stiffened only for a split second before melting against him, kissing Derek back with a fervor that shocked us both. How could something so intuitive feel so risky and so right simultaneously? I didn't care in that heated moment - there was only the sheer perfection of our lips coming together as though made to lock into place.
Just as Derek's hand slid up to cradle the back of my neck deepening the kiss further, a shrill exclamation jerked us violently back to reality.
Here's an extended version of the scene:
Derek's hand slid up to cradle the back of my neck, deepening our reckless kiss. Lost in the moment, neither of us noticed the furious figure approaching until a shrill voice cut through sharply.
"Well isn't this cozy! I always knew you liked sloppy seconds, Derek."
We jerked apart to see Bree glaring daggers at us from across the secluded courtyard. Before Derek could respond, she stormed over, blonde ponytail swishing aggressively.
"Do I even want to know what diseases this little tramp is carrying?" Bree spat, eyeing me up and down with disgusted contempt.
"Back off, Bree," Derek warned in a low steady tone. "Don't make a scene."
Bree let out a mocking laugh. "Oh please, the slut was already begging for it! Just spreading her legs for anyone right out in the open!"
Anger spiked through me at her crass vulgar insults. I shook off Derek's restraining hand, stepping right up to the spiteful blonde.
"The only one embarrassing themselves here is you, with this pathetic jealous meltdown," I fired back.
Bree's expression contorted in outrage. "Jealous? Of a worthless rebound slut?" She pretended to gag dramatically. "I have standards, honey."
I refused to let her goad me. "Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep better," I retorted coolly. "Won't change the fact that you're just a petty, insecure little bully."
"Why you smug bitch!" Bree shrieked. She shoved me hard, but I barely stumbled.
A small crowd was starting to gather, drawn by the altercation. Derek tried to intervene, but Bree was gearing up for more, her pretty features twisted in ugly rage.
"At least I come from a good family, not like some dirty gutter trash stray!" she continued spewing vitriol. "I bet you'd spread for anyone for a warm meal and a place to sleep!"
The vulgar insults hit harder, words echoing my deepest unspoken insecurities of not belonging anywhere in this glamorous world. But I refused to show weakness.
"Are you done?" I said coldly. "Because nothing you say can touch me. But it really is pathetic watching you grasp at any excuse to feel superior."
My dismissive disdain only enraged Bree further. She launched herself at me like a wildcat, all erratic claws and flailing limbs. I reacted on pure instinct, using her momentum against her to send the blonde sprawling to the pavement in an ungraceful heap.
"You crazy psycho!" Bree screamed furiously. "I'll get you expelled for this!"
Before either of us could attack again, a new voice suddenly rang out.
"Expel this!"
We all turned in surprise to see Ashley barging through the crowd, looking livid. She marched over and planted herself firmly between me and the still screaming Bree.
"I don't know what your bougie ass problem is, but you need to back the hell up off my friend," Ashley said fiercely, one hand held up warningly.
Bree just sneered, picking herself up off the ground with as much dignity as she could muster. "Look at this, the princess slut already needs her guard dog to fight her battles."
Ashley laughed derisively. "Oh please, you were the one just getting your scrawny ass handed to you! But keep running your mouth and see what happens."
Sensing things escalating again, Derek gently tried to steer Ashley away. "Whoa whoa, let's all just take a breath..."
But Bree cut him off, shoving past him to get right in Ashley's face. "Don't you dare threaten me, you unimportant little nothing!" she shrieked. "You have no idea who I am!"
Completely unintimidated, Ashley snapped back "Yeah, and I don't give a shit either! But you put your hands on me or my friend again, we'll see who the real nothing here is."
With an enraged howl, Bree drew her hand back and slapped Ashley hard across the face.