Page 62 of Forbidden Fruit
"Alright Bree, let's talk this out reasonably," I called up to her, using my most disarming negotiation skills honed from years of mafia galas and functions. "We both know this standoff benefits no one."
Bree's glare didn't soften, but she made an impatient gesture for the men to wait. "Finally ready to kiss my feet, Natalia? I'm listening."
I suppressed a shudder at her sadistic smile. She was confident she held all the cards now. Time to bluff and pray my gamble paid off.
"What's done is done, I had my reasons," I responded evenly, squaring my shoulders. "But I apologize for publicly humiliating you. You have my word it won't happen again, I’ll apologize in front of everyone if you want me to."
The lie tasted bitter. But this was no longer just about petty high school rivalry. Lives hung in the balance - and right now, yielding uneasy peace seemed the only bloodless end in sight.
I watched emotions flicker across Bree's face. Wary pride battling her vicious streak. She cast Ashley a thoughtful look, Entertainment clearly sated now.
After a taut moment, she replied "Your apology doesn't feel very sincere, Natalia. But lucky for you, I'm in a generous mood." I concealed my disgust as she continued airily "Let's call it a truce...after I've had some fun. Boys, why don’t we celebrate this truce in our special way."
The words were barely out when gunfire erupted again, shattering the concrete near my feet. I dove for cover, skiddingbehind a rusted bulldozer. My ears rang painfully, but I seemed unharmed. Peering around cautiously, I saw Leonardo had pulled Ashley out of the line of fire behind a sturdy forklift.
Heart pounding, I assessed the situation rapidly. Bree had gone too far - she would never concede the brutal game willingly now. Which left me only one option.
Dodging low along the machinery line, I crept up on the nearest oblivious thug while chaos provided cover. In one swift move, I seized his firearm and spun him into a chokehold, my stolen pistol jamming under his chin.
"Drop them, all of you!" I shouted, stepping back with my hostage as his allies all swung their aim toward us. Leonardo looked poised to attack, but I gave an almost imperceptible shake of my head. I had started this mess by provoking Bree - I needed to end it on my terms.
For a breathless moment, no one moved. Then Bree's ringing voice cut through the standoff. "For God's sake, stop wasting bullets and finish them!"
Her shrill order shattered the uneasy stalemate. My captive tried to wrench away as the other mobsters charged forward. I fired a warning shot at their feet that miraculously halted the advance.
"This bullet goes in his brain next!" I yelled, my hostage's struggles easing as my forearm tightened over his windpipe. "Now walk away. All of you."
Bree stared at me from the balcony, incredulous fury twisting her features. "You little psychotic whore, I'll gut you myself!" she screeched. But she made no move to come down, self-preservation winning over pride.
When none of the men advanced either, I risked a glance to where Ashley huddled behind Leonardo. "Get her out of here. Now," I implored him quietly. "I'll handle the rest."
Jaw clenched, Leonardo gave a terse nod. Keeping the mobsters in his sights, he pulled Ashley up and hurried her toward the side exit. My gut twisted watching her distraught face as he ushered her to safety, but I couldn't falter now.
"This is your last warning - drop the weapons and go," I ordered again, steel in my voice. The thugs shared uneasy glances, loyalty warring with self-preservation. My finger tensed on the trigger, ready to end this standoff by any means.
Finally the heavy pistols began clattering to the grimy floor one by one as Bree screamed impotent threats down at us. But her twisted revenge game had unraveled. For once, the viper's fangs had been defanged.
I kept the firearm trained steadily until the last sullen enforcer had exited the warehouse. Only then did I shove my captive away, sending him scurrying after the others.
Swaying slightly from the adrenaline crash, I risked meeting Bree's insane gaze once more. "Consider this your final warning. Come after me or Ashley again, and you'll regret it," I vowed coldly.
Then I turned my back on her sputtering rage, hurrying out into the night myself. The nightmarish standoff was over, but deeper heartache now remained. I had to find Ashley and Leonardo, and somehow make things right after all this ugliness.
Rushing breathlessly around the corner of the warehouse, I nearly sobbed in dizzy relief seeing Leonardo's sleek car still parked out front, waiting for me. Ashley sat huddled inside, Leonardo's jacket wrapped around her shoulders.
As I slid weakly into the backseat beside her, Ashley instantly had me wrapped in a crushing hug, both of us shaking. "You brave idiot, thank God you're okay!" she choked out.
I clung to her, emotion threatening to overwhelm me. "Ash, I'm so sorry for everything..."
But she shushed me fiercely. "Do not apologize! I'm just grateful we all made it out."
Leonardo's dark gaze in the rearview mirror radiated the same potent mix of relief and lingering fury as my own roiling emotions. But for now, we just needed distance.
As the city lights faded behind us, the three of us sat in shell-shocked silence. My hands curled into white-knuckled fists, rage simmering closer to the surface again now that the immediate danger had passed. Bree had gone too far this time. That sadistic streak needed to be reined in for good before she could inflict more trauma.
Sensing my shifting mood, Leonardo caught my eye in the mirror. "It's over, Natalia," he soothed gently. "Don't let thoughts of revenge consume you now."
I shook my head rigidly, jaw tight. "She needs to face consequences this time or it will never stop." I pointed to Ashley's still-shaking form. "Look what she's done already."