Page 78 of Forbidden Fruit
With utmost reluctance, I steered our conversation to safer waters, catching Leonardo up on mundane family happenings and funny observations that kept things lighthearted. He regaled me in turn with amusing tales of his discreet escapades staying off the grid, whetting my appetite for adventure.
All too soon, Leonardo sighed regretfully that he should go so as not to arouse suspicion keeping one burner phone active too long. I couldn't hide my whimper of disappointment that our stolen moments together were ending again so soon.
"I know, amore," Leonardo soothed gently. "The time will come when we never have to part ways again. For now, be patient just a little longer. I will see you again just as soon as it is safe."
I clutched the phone tighter, wishing I could pull him through it and back to me. "I miss you so much it hurts," I confessed weakly.
"As I miss you, cuore mia. But we will survive this separation, and our bond will be unbreakable." Leonardo's fervent conviction flowed through the line, willing me to believe too.
I took a shuddery breath, trying to memorize the comforting timbre of his voice knowing we would likely be parted again for many lonely weeks. But giving up was not an option. We would find a way back to each other, no matter the obstacles between us.
"Stay safe for me out there," I entreated softly. "And call whenever you can, even if just for a moment. Hearing your voice keeps me going."
"I will," Leonardo promised gently. "And you remember how deeply you are loved. Not even this distance can diminish that. Arrivederci, my heart."
Then the line went dead, silence ringing in my ear. I clutched the phone to my chest tightly, feeling closer to Leonardo for a few stolen moments at least. However difficult this separation became, I had to believe we would come through it stronger together in the end.
With a wistful sigh, I rose to begin readying for the day, already counting the moments until I could hear Leonardo's voice again. Just knowing he was out there thinking of me too would sustain me through the lonely trials ahead. We had endured so much already, surely the fates could not be so cruel to keep us apart forever.
Leonardo's POV:
I ended the call with Natalia and exhaled slowly, scrubbing a hand over my face. Hearing her sweet voice had been balm to my ragged soul, but saying goodbye again so soon tore open the wound anew. The forced distance ravaged me more each day.
I thought again of whisking Natalia away somewhere far from toxic family influences and blood feuds that kept us chained apart. But she still was not ready to abandon her father and brother completely. Her loyalty pierced me even as my patience frayed.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed one of my men lingering nearby pretending nonchalance. But I could tell from his overly casual posture that he had been attempting to eavesdrop, likely on orders from my suspicious father. The old man must be having me watched closely for any contact with "enemies."
Irritation prickled under my skin. I was weary of living under constant suspicion, every conversation and move potentially scrutinized. And I despised putting Natalia at risk by these necessary clandestine calls. But going longer without hearing her voice was unthinkable.
Rising, I nodded brusquely to my unwanted guard and slipped upstairs to scrub myself clean of the clinging miasma from days laying low in questionable safehouses. I needed to feel human again after being treated like a caged animal.
In the steaming shower, my thoughts kept drifting back to Natalia's teasing words about all the things we would be doing if together. Even just the memory sent desire burning through my veins.
After my shower, I stood before the fogged mirror assessing myself critically. Days of stress and scarce sleep had carved new lines on my face that even hot water could not erase.
I looked older, grimmer. Not the suave young lover who had once elegantly courted Natalia by moonlight. But I could not afford the luxury of wooing her properly again until the threats passed. For now, stolen moments on burner phones would have to sustain us.
Scrubbing a hand over my stubbled jaw, I thought longingly of Natalia's touch against my skin. How the tension seemed to melt from my bones when she was near, leaving only smoldering desire and devotion.
She was right - this ongoing separation was torture. But my primary agony was picturing Natalia still so close to the smoldering coals, trusted allies turning without warning amidst the power shifts. I needed to spirit her away somewhere serene and safe, far from these brewing tempests.
But Natalia's compassionate heart would not allow her to abandon her family, however strained their relationship had become. She was adamant we could build bridges between our clans, make right the bloody history. My cynical soul claimedthat was naivety. And yet her determination stirred something protective in me, keeping my impatience in check. Perhaps her hopeful spark was exactly what could fan flickering change into enduring flame someday.
Until that day we could unite openly, I would shield Natalia however I could from the ugliness of secrets and grudges lingering between estranged fathers. She deserved more than furtive calls on burner phones, forever looking over our shoulders. My fierce angel had already endured enough hardship meant for battle-hardened men like myself. Now she needed only tenderness and care to help heal scarred wings.
I knew then without doubt I would burn everything nastier than Nero's Rome to the ground if it meant keeping Natalia's spirit free and untarnished. With her was all the light left worth fighting for.
The rest of my men likely saw only another amusing dalliance with the exotic mafia princess. They had no understanding of what Natalia's unflinching heart, keen mind and warrior's soul had awakened in me. How could mere mortals comprehend a goddess walking among them? But to me, Natalia shone as radiantly as Athena, and I worshipped faithfully at her feet.
These maudlin musings were getting me nowhere though except damp and chilly post-shower. I dried off swiftly, discarding any sentimentality along with the towels. Back in the opulent bedroom, I dressed in my finest shirt and slacks. Looking sharpbolstered confidence, and I needed my wits and persuasion today to keep curious associates appeased.
Downstairs, the smell of fresh espresso and pastry wafted from the bustling kitchen where my mother's laughter could be heard ringing out. I paused in the archway just drinking in that musical sound I had not heard near often enough in recent dark days. But today her eyes appeared clear and bright as she chatted animatedly with the cook over cappuccinos.
I cleared my throat gently so as not to startle her. "Buongiorno, Mamma. You look radiant today."
"Leonardo, tesoro mio!" Her smiling face lit up seeing me as she bustled over. I ducked my head obligingly for her ritual fussing over a loose shirt thread and hair out of place. Her familiar scolding warmed me.
"Now sit, have some breakfast," Mamma urged, ushering me to the table where dishes were already laid out awaiting the family. "You are too thin! Is this all the food you boys eat out there on the road?"