Page 82 of Forbidden Fruit
But Leonardo shifted to face me, expression suddenly serious. "Maybe I will," he said, taking both my hands in his larger ones. "If we make it through this in one piece, I'm done hiding and sneaking around."
I gaped at him, pulse leaping. Was he really suggesting openly confronting my father about us? The notion simultaneously thrilled and terrified me. But looking into Leonardo's resolute eyes, I knew he meant it.
"You would really go up against my father like that?" I asked softly.
Leonardo brought my knuckles to his lips in a fervent kiss. "For you, my love, I would do far more dangerous things without hesitation."
His heartfelt words resonated through me. After being abandoned so callously today, having someone willing to fight for me felt like a lifeline. I clung to it and Leonardo tightly, letting his strength steady my chaotic emotions.
I shook my head, still trying to wrap my mind around Leonardo's declaration. "You really want to confront my dad, thescariest mafia boss in the city, and ask permission to date his only daughter? Are you insane?"
Leonardo just chuckled, clearly enjoying how flustered his boldness had made me. "Possibly. But can you blame me? You're worth braving any firestorm for."
He punctuated his reckless romanticism with a deep kiss that left me breathless. As we came up for air, foreheads touching, Leonardo's expression had turned solemn again.
"I mean it though. After all we've endured, I refuse to keep hiding this like some dirty secret. You deserve to be properly courted and cherished, out in the open."
My heart swelled even as warning bells continued sounding in my head. Barging in on my temperamental father to announce our forbidden relationship seemed like pure madness. But the resolve in Leonardo's eyes pierced through my hesitations.
"You really are serious," I breathed, emotions clenching almost painfully in my chest. I thought of my father's volcanic rage, the ugly lengths he could go to when his will was defied.
Sensing my fears, Leonardo cradled my face gently. "I promise you Natalia, it will be alright. The days of bowing down to pointless generational grudges are ending. There are better paths forward, if we dare to cut fresh trails together."
His quiet conviction steadied my doubts, kindling hopeful sparks deep inside. Perhaps he was right. For far too long, outside pressures and antiquated codes had determined the shape of my life and joys. No more.
Still, I had to be rational in the face of Leonardo's reckless passion. "At least promise me you'll be smart and careful confronting my father," I implored. "He responds better to diplomacy than force."
Leonardo smiled reassuringly. "You know me, ever the strategist." His smile turned roguish then. "Now, I believe we have a few hours left before I should leave to avoid causing you more trouble."
His suggestive tone instantly melted away any lingering anxieties, replaced by a different tension coiling deliciously inside me. I cocked an eyebrow. "Oh? And how do you suggest we pass the time, sir?"
In answer, Leonardo swept me up easily in his powerful arms, chuckling at my dramatic squeal of surprise. "I can think of a few ways to distract you, cara mia," he purred suggestively, carrying me toward the bedroom again as I dissolved into giggles against his chest.
There would be time later to keep hashing out the uncertainties ahead of us. But right now, lost in Leonardo's passionate embrace, the future could wait. We still had a few more stolen hours to savor first.
By late afternoon, we could indulge avoidance no longer. I knew Leonardo needed to depart soon to avoid being caught here when the rest of the household returned. Reluctantly, I peeled myself out of bed to dress.
Leonardo watched me languidly, sheets draped enticingly low around his hips. "This view almost makes leaving worthwhile," he rumbled approvingly.
I tossed a pillow at him with a laugh. "Behave yourself. Or I won't help sneak you out past the guards."
That propelled Leonardo out of bed to locate his own abandoned clothing. Once dressed, he came up behind me at the mirror, meeting my eyes over my shoulder as his arms circled my waist.
"What would I do without you looking out for me, my love?" Leonardo asked softly.
"Probably something reckless," I teased gently. But my racing heart recognized the significance of this departure, after being reunited so unexpectedly.
Sensing my shift in mood, Leonardo turned me to face him. "This isn't goodbye forever," he promised. "Just a temporary, necessary parting."
I clung to his steadying strength, cursing all the forces that seemed determined to keep us apart. But Leonardo was right - we had survived stormy trials before. And this time, new hope flickered on the horizon.
Squaring my shoulders, I stepped back resolutely. I refused to send Leonardo off with despair. "Come on, let's get you out of here safely," I said with forced brightness.
Leonardo's exit had to be stealthy to avoid awkward questions from the guards and staff who remained. Luckily, I knew all the secret passageways from adventures with Enzo as kids.
Staying hidden, I guided Leonardo down back servants' stairwells and through concealed side doors until we emerged outside undetected. I walked him the rest of the short distance to where his sleek car waited discreetly down the block.
Before getting in, Leonardo drew me into one last fervent embrace. "We'll see each other again soon," he promised, eyes boring into mine intently. "I'm through being kept from the woman I love."