Page 85 of Forbidden Fruit
Sure enough, he soon declared grandly "The time has come to formalize a new strategic alliance through union in marriage." My heart stopped as he continued. "Natalia, you are to be wed to Marco Rossi in one month's time."
Utter shock rooted me in place. Marco was the hollow-eyed heir apparent in a rival clan. Old, lecherous, cruel - and now my betrothed.
The rest of the announcement faded to a roaring rush in my ears. A month from now, my miserable life would be forfeit, belonging to a monster.
I stumbled from the meeting room in a daze of shock and anguish. This couldn't be real, it had to be some twisted nightmare. But the stark truth could not be denied - in one month's time, I would be handed over as a bride to vile Marco Rossi.
Blinded by hysterical tears, I somehow found myself collapsed behind a sofa in one of the mansion's countless elegant sitting rooms. Sobs wracked my body as the bleak reality sunk in. I was well and truly trapped, with no one left to save me from this horrific fate.
Heart aching, I thought of contacting Leonardo in desperation. But involving him now would only ignite a bloody feud between our families. I knew with bleak certainty he would not abandon me regardless, even if it meant war. And the cost of that would be catastrophic.
No, contacting Leonardo would be a foolish, selfish impulse. This mess was not his burden to fix. I had to handle my family affairs alone, though every fiber of my being recoiled from the solution my father had devised.
Still, one person might understand the depths of my despair - my brother Enzo, who knew me better than anyone. Wiping my eyes, I scrolled to his number with a deep, shuddering breath. Even just hearing his voice would bring some comfort right now.
But the call rang and rang before reaching voicemail. My trembling hand covered my mouth to hold back a sob. Of course - Enzo was still recovering overseas in the hospital. In my distraught state, I had forgotten.
Hanging up just before the beep, I leaned my head back against the sofa, eyes closed. Enzo was far beyond my reach, likely has anyone known my father’s true plans. I was well and truly alone now, abandoned. The weight of that realization threatened to crush what remained of my spirit entirely.
Burying my face in my knees, I let the desolate tears fall freely. All hope seemed lost. In one month I would become the unwilling trophy bride of a monster, my life forever forfeit. Acommodity to be traded for power, nothing more. The bitter injustice clawed agonizingly inside me.
For a long time, I could only sob brokenly as darkness engulfed my soul. But finally, a gentle repeated buzzing sound penetrated the despair. Still hiccuping, I fumbled for my phone lighting up with an incoming call - Enzo.
I answered with a choked gasp. “Enzo?” Could this be a hallucination conjured by my fevered mind?
“Hey sis,” came the blessedly real and familiar voice, instantly soothing my ragged spirit. “Sorry I missed you earlier. Kinda hard to chat with all the painkillers they give me.” He sounded weak but blessedly lucid.
“You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice,” I managed thickly, fresh tears spilling over.
Enzo must have caught the devastation in my tone. “Whoa, what happened? Talk to me,” he urged, voice sharpening with concern.
Taking a shuddery breath, I finally confessed the full wretched situation - the gala where I'd been dangled like a prize before leering old men, arguing fiercely with Father, and now this forced engagement to Marco of all people. The horrible words poured out of me, laced with sobs.
Enzo was silent so long when I finished, I wondered if he'd slipped back into unconsciousness. But finally he whispered "Natalia, I'm so sorry. I never wanted this."
I blinked through my tears, confused. "What do you mean?"
Enzo sighed heavily. "Look, the reason I got you out of there so fast before was that I'd overheard Father negotiating this deal with the Rossis. Arranging a marriage alliance using you as leverage."
Shock rippled through me. Enzo had known all along what Father was planning, and tried to protect me from it. But we had not fled swiftly enough it seemed.
"I was hoping to talk sense into him before he could go through with it," Enzo continued regretfully. "I swear Natalia, I never thought he'd actually force you into this. But now..."
He trailed off grimly. We both understood - the deed was done, the announcement made. Stopping it would bring only disaster now. But that knowledge stabbed agonizingly after raising my hopes.
A sob escaped my tight throat. "Enzo, I can't do this," I choked out. "Being sold off to that vile man...he'll crush every spark inside me."
"I know, I know," Enzo soothed helplessly. "Just try to hang on okay? I'll keep thinking of some way out of this, I promise." But I could hear the hopelessness in his voice. We both knew Father's word was law.
Still, I clung desperately to the feeble lifeline of Enzo's vow to keep trying. Perhaps somewhere there was still a way, if I held onto courage. Despite the pain of raising hopes, my brother's steadfast loyalty kept a fragile flame of faith alive in my chest.
When we finally ended the call, resolution sparked weakly inside me. This marriage could proceed over my cold corpse, but never would Marco Rossi possess my spirit. I was more than a beautiful asset to be bartered and used at my father's whims. Somehow I would prove to him and any other power hungry tyrant my defiant soul could never be caged.
Steeling myself, I went to my father's study and knocked sharply before I could lose my nerve. At his gruff command, I entered, standing tall even as my hands trembled.
"What is it now?" Father didn't look up from his paperwork, tone already impatient.
I took a deep breath. "I've come to formally ask you to break this engagement."