Page 19 of Lake of Sapphire
The first time listed didn’t start until midday. It read,“Twelve pm: Ranking Evaluations. Go to the building that correlates with your last name.”
The next few times listed stated the various Trials that were being held.“Arena One: One pm: Medical Trials. Two pm: Culinary and Fashion Trials.”I kept skimming the page until I saw arena five with the Guard Trials. It wasn’t until three. Being only eleven now, I had an hour before the rank evaluations would begin.
Taking a deep breath, I turned toward Miles and Vallie, “I’m going to walk around for a bit, scope out where my Trial will be held.”
Vallie embraced me with a warm hug. “Good luck.” As much as I was going to miss them and wanted to spend every second together, I needed to be alone right now. I had to clear my head and focus on passing my Trials. After tonight, the Trials would be done, then I could spend the remaining two days with them.
“You too. The both of you.” I smiled at them before walking away. I thought I heard Miles murmur something, but I couldn’t make it out over the thunder in my chest.
Further past the buildings, there were five other ample sections of the field divided by tall gates. I walked closer to the first one and skimmed the large sign hanging from the wooden gate. It wasn’t the Guard Trial. I looked up, taking in the full height of it. It was massive, completely blocking the view from whatever was held inside. The only thing I could tell was there wasn’t a roof, leaving it open to the outside elements.
I kept walking until I found the fifth arena located in the back. The sign read,“One pm: Human Relations Trials,”then under it,“Three pm: Guard Trials.”This sign contained the shortest list of Trials. The Guard Trials were infamous for taking the longest since there were three separate sections. It wouldn’t be surprising if they went into the night.
Satisfied with knowing where I had to go later, I turned to walk back toward the entrance. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sie Noren in the distance surrounded by males in the official guard uniform. I knew they belonged to the King’s Guard by their dark leather attire with twin pink moons engraved on the chest. The symbol of Tennebris, whereas Luxian guards wore the Allium sun.
Something about his presence and demeanor made me stop. I found myself unable to pull my gaze from him. He kept his facial expression placid and emotionless as he stood tall, towering over everyone surrounding him. The guards were discussing something. I couldn’t tell if the Prince was ignoring them or if he was listening intently.
He looked very much like the King he would soon be. I studied him for a few more moments, aware that I was gawking. He looked healthy. Other than a faint cut and bruise to his lower jawline, you wouldn’t have known he’d been injured just days prior. His black clothes covered his body, hiding any lingering injuries he might still possess. Probably none, since Lux had healers stationed in Tennebris, they most likely healed any wound he earned during his fights.
I finally dragged my gaze away from the Prince as I looked at the guards that surrounded him. They seemed nervous, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot, not daring to meet the Prince in the eye.
A male with shaggy blonde hair standing next to him noticed my stare. He wasn’t wearing the official uniform, but he stood among them like he belonged. His vibrant green eyes found mine. He wore a devilish grin and didn’t seem intimidated or threatened by the Advenians he surrounded himself with. I quickly glanced away, my heart beating faster, as I continued making my way back to the main entrance. By the time I got there, it was twelve knells, almost time to enter the building to get my rank.
I joined the end of the line of the building that read,“Rank Evaluations N-Z.”I found Vallie in the crowd. She was standing next to Miles in the middle of the line for the other building. Miles and Vallie Hartlin. At that moment, I wished my name wasn’t Rumor. I wanted to stand with my friends, to walk through the doors together.
Vallie looked as nervous as I felt, which was unlike her. Her radiating confidence dimmed as she curled her body against her twin. I gave her a small smile before we both walked into our separate buildings.
I was greeted with a chill as my nerves completely overtook me. The building wasn’t a sanctuary against the cold. I knew thisday would come, but watching Vallie walk into a different building, disappearing behind the big black doors, made reality set in. I took a steadying breath, then another.
Breathe Scottie. Just breathe.
“Everyone, listen up. When I call your name, step forward and get in your assigned line. We will be organizing you alphabetically,” a woman ordered. I recognized her as a LakeWood professor, even though I had never been in any of her classes.
The students inside the building started moving and shifting to where they were directed. “Rumor,” I finally heard. “Line to the left.”
The cold air peppered my body with goosebumps. With nothing else to do but wait, I hugged my chest, frantically moving my hands up and down my arms.
Finally, a teacher I recognized, Professor Alfitini, came to explain what was to happen. She studied the paper in her hands before she began to ramble, “You will go in one at a time to be evaluated. One student will be in the waiting room where you will remove your clothes. The judges need to examine your markings and it’s imperative as everyone’s markings are on different areas of their bodies. The judges are made up of the High Council and your teachers. So relax, as they are not there to critique your body, but merely to look at the golden markings that appear as you use your powers.
“Each judge will have a folder detailing your entire life up until this point. It will include but is not limited to family history, medical history, academic history, and your known abilities throughout your years of training here at LakeWood. They are allowed to ask any questions they want. Please answer honestly and quickly so we can keep things moving. Each evaluation will be different lengths of time depending on how long you need to showcase all of your abilities. Some of you have none or only one ability, while others have two or three. The max amount of time you can take is ten minutes. I need everyone to pay attention and move swiftly. We have limited time here as you all need to attend your designated Trials.
“If the judges feel that they need more time to determine your ranking, you will be notified and sent to another waiting room for a second appraisal. Please take this seriously. Whatever rank you are given today will be yours for life. I know this can be a long day, so there will be complementary drink stations and some light refreshments throughout the grounds.
“No one is allowed to leave NorthEnd until all the Trials are finished. Dinner will be provided promptly at five and will last one hour. You were instructed to have already eaten breakfast, so seek out the different refreshment stands if you are hungry. You will not be given your ranking until graduation. More information will be provided regarding your ceremony and the burning of your rankings, which will take place in two days.
“That is it for now. When your name is called, go into the waiting room and remove your clothes. When it is your time to be evaluated, the doors to the other side will open, and you will step forward into the room with the judges. Your clothes will be removed by our staff and placed in the exit room. Once your clothes are removed from the waiting room, we will call the next person in line to enter and so forth. Good luck.”
After she finished her long speech of instructions, she turned on her heels and walked away, leaving the room silent with anxiety-ridden students. I slowly moved up step by step as my classmates before me were called to enter the waiting room.
I tried to just focus on my breathing.In through my nose, out through my mouth.I couldn’t help but fidget as they began calling the last names that began with the letterR. Only two stood between me and the waiting room.
I needed to calm down. No one told us what the rankings entailed before. It was meant to be kept a secret. Anyone that had abilities were encouraged to practice and learn about their powers to be able to showcase them for this moment. Our school even had special ability classes that we were mandated to take. I dreaded them since I always sat in the back awkwardly with nothing to do.
What went on beyond those doors was private information, but I never imagined we would have to be naked in front of the judges. I thought we could just expose the area on our bodies where our markings appeared, and since I had none, as far as the Tennebrisian abilities went, I figured that meant I didn’t have to show anything. I should have been in and out in a matter of seconds. With my Guard Trials constantly on my mind, I never really gave much thought to the rank evaluations.
But after hearing that speech, I couldn’t help feeling this was worse than I thought. Even with the cool draft and the goosebumps peppering my skin, I was starting to feel flushed. The tiniest drop of sweat dripping down my back could expose me. Then what would happen? Would they believe me if I told them the truth, or would they kill me on the spot?
I took a deep breath, filling my lungs as the Advenian in front of me entered the waiting room. I was next.