Page 27 of Lake of Sapphire
“I know,” Vallie breathed as she gaped around the room.
The inside of the building was just as luxurious and unique as the outside. I couldn’t hide my shock as I took in the green-carpeted floors and the cream-colored walls. Any part of the wall that wasn’t exposed to the massive windows overlooking the gardens was decorated with thick oil paintings in gold-trimmed frames. It was such a contrast to the nondescript buildings at LakeWood, where bricks lined every single wall. Addler was a wealthier, more affluent village and it showed through this one building alone.
We were directed into a large ballroom. White chairs backed with sheer ribbons were positioned to face a stage. It was raised above everything else, making it the focal point in the massive room. Six green, carpeted steps led toward the top of the platform where there were five Advenians already seated, who I presumed were members of the High Council.
The councilmen talked amongst themselves, not bothering to notice the swarm of females that flocked into the room. The center of the stage held one bulkier, more luxurious seat that was left vacant. I wondered if it was replicated to resemble a throne. A podium stood next to it, barely visible from where I stood. The far right of the room was the only area not covered by chairs, presumably for dancing. Whimsical music sang through the room as if begging us to dance, so soft and light, I couldn’t tell where it was coming from.
“Wow,” Vallie and I both breathed in unison, taking everything in.
“I didn’t think it would be this beautiful. Imagine what the actual castle looks like if this is only a conference center in Addler,” Vallie continued.
I was so immersed in admiring the room and taking in the shining chandeliers hanging from the ceiling that I didn’t notice the sharp tug on my shoulders until it was too late. I stumbled and crashed right into Vallie. We both caught ourselves before we landed on the floor. A huffed moan escaped my lips as I shifted away from my friend.
I turned to see who had pushed me and was greeted by Kole’s smirking face. His brown eyes burned into mine. They were the same muddy brown as the dirt he’d forced me to eat all those years ago. His eyes were a constant reminder of his hatred for me. I wanted to punch him and knock that grin right off. But instead, I gritted my teeth. “What do you want?”
He tsked. “You’re clumsy and rude.”
Vallie took a tentative step closer to me. “Leave her alone, Kole.”
“Relax, Valerina. I just wanted to see how good of a job she did at covering up the bruise. Not bad, little nix. Too bad you couldn’t do anything to hide that lip.” He said as he bent down to examine my face, pressing his thumb hard into the bruise over my eye. “If it wasn’t for the guard outfit, you might have actually passed for a female. It’s sad they don’t even let you play dress up for a day. Oh well.”
He laughed as I swatted his hand away. I was not about to admit to him that I asked to guard tonight. He could think whatever he wanted.
“Anyway, Professor Hale wants you to patrol the outer rim, not inside the ballroom. So get going, little nix,” he straightened, reaching his full height. He walked away, but glanced over his shoulder once, his eyes roaming over Vallie, before gowns, jewels, and smiling females blocked him from my view.
“That jerk. If he wasn’t such a complete asshole to everyone, I would think he picks on you because he likes you,” Vallie growled.
“I don’t think it’s possible for Kole to like anything, except maybe himself.” I gave her a reassuring smile as she patted my outfit down to make sure I didn’t have any marks on my white shirt. I tried not to grimace as she rubbed off the dust from my left side. “Have fun at the banquet, Vallie. I’ll catch up with you later,” I said as I gave her a hug and started making my way toward the outer rim.
I took the small steps that lead out into the hall two at a time. It took me about ten minutes before realizing that the outer rim made a complete circle around the ballroom and the outside. Other than one set of stairs that lead to the floors above us, the first floor only held the sunken ballroom and a few bathing rooms. There were benches for sitting throughout the hall, but otherwise, it was bare.
Once I did two full laps, I decided I’d earned a break to look out the vast windows. Through cracks in the lush gardens, I could just barely see the trees and mountains in the distance.
Gazing through the window, imagining the expansiveness of the trees, I started daydreaming about what my life could have been if I really was from Tennebris and didn’t have to pretend. I could have had a boyfriend and tried out for any career I wanted. Would I still have wanted to be a guard? The reasons that led me toward learning to fight were because of my past. I wanted to avoid getting a husband, and I wanted to learn to fight back so that the night I was kidnapped could never be repeated. If I lived a normal, peaceful life, would I still have wanted that?
Would I be excited about tonight if things were different? I didn’t think I would be interested in marrying the future King either way. I didn’t care how attractive someone was. I would have wanted a husband who was kind and loving, not cold and intimidating. I pictured myself in a ball gown, being giddy with Vallie, actually acting like a normal Advenian youth for once.
Would I want to give up any abilities I might possess of Lux to be an Advenian of Tennebris? If I was truly a nix, I probably still wouldn’t have the freedoms I yearned for. I would wind up as a servant no matter what I did, no matter where I originated.
But I would be free to love, free to have children, free to have a family. Perhaps that was the only thing I could ever gain if I wasn’t Luxian. Maybe I would go out with Miles. I shook my head a little too forcefully at that, causing my temples to pound. The thought left me as quickly as it came. He was my best friend’s twin and entirely off limits. Miles was nice, some might say attractive even, but he would only ever be like a brother to me.
Flustered, I quickly turned around, with the intent of making yet another boring lap around the halls, when I bumped into something firm and strong. Whatever hard, solid surface I’d crashed into, I did it forcefully enough, causing my feet to go off balance that I fell forward. Under my breath, I cursed at myself for being so clumsy, for yet again tumbling into something, further injuring my bruised ribs.
I braced myself for the hard landing, but it never came. When I opened my eyes, clearing my thoughts, I realized that I landed directly on top of a male.
His black hairwas a messy mop on top of his head, completely obscuring his eyes. One of my hands was pressed flat against his chest, making it impossible not to realize how sculpted he was beneath it.
The male shook his head, pushing his hair out of his eyes to gaze up at me. Dread and humiliation crept in as I realized I was still lying on top of him. My deceitful body betrayed me by deciding now that it didn’t want to move. I just laid there, frozen, as every inch of me was pressed into every inch of him. I had never been this close to a male before, besides perhaps kicking or punching one. I didn’t know how to act. I knew I should get up. I should move. I should say sorry, say anything, do something other than just lie there.
I stopped breathing as his hand came up from the floor and wrapped around my waist. My heart fluttered as a different kind of fear and excitement pulsed through me.
It took me a good second to realize that he’d grabbed me to push my body off of his. Heat rose in my cheeks as I flushed harder.
“I’m sorry,” I finally stuttered as I took the hint and stood. He followed suit, reaching his full height. I had to crane my neck up to see his face.