Page 32 of Lake of Sapphire
“What?” I asked, surprised by the sudden change in conversation. I’d forgotten about the drink I had promised. I was so tired from the whirlwind of emotions.
“Tomorrow is our graduation, and this is our last full night together. Let’s go out and celebrate before we are both stuck in lives we don’t want. Let’s just forget about everything and have fun tonight. Come on, please,” she begged, giving me her biggest smile and puppy dog eyes. “You promised.”
“Fine,” I agreed reluctantly. “But only one drink.”
“Good, because I already told Miles we are going, and he is on his way over here.” She smiled as she hopped off her bed and reached for the bottle she was stashing under it. “And I already got the alcohol.”
I grabbed the bottle from Vallie’s hand and dragged it to my lips. Tipping my head back, I drank down a few gulps of the contents and almost gagged. “Ugh, it’s awful,” I coughed as I yanked the bottle away. Some of the clear liquid sloshed off the top. The strong scent of it filled my nostrils. It smelled like the cleaner the servants used in the public bathing rooms. “Why do you and Miles drink this all the time?”
She laughed. “I was going to suggest that we mix it with something first, but you grabbed it from me before I could say anything. Plus, I kind of wanted to see your reaction.”
A knock on the door made me jump. More of the disgusting liquid from the bottle spilled over onto my hands. Vallie made her way over to the cabinet as I got up and opened the door, wiping my sticky palms on my thighs.
“Hi,” I said, cracking the door and moving aside, allowing Miles room to come in.
“Hey,” he replied as he plunked down on my bed. “I’m really going to miss this place.”
“You’re going to miss hanging out in a girl’s dorm room?” Vallie teased as she poured out three drinks.
Our two sides of the room were opposites. Vallie’s half was decked out in shades of pinks and reds. Floral sheets covered her bed, and beautiful paintings hung on the walls. Vallie loved to paint and had an eye for color. It was why she loved doing makeup so much.The face is just an empty canvas meant to be filled with color and life,she would always say when I complained about her taking too long to get ready.
My half of the room was bare with only a thin, gray comforter, an inflatable punching bag, and my gym gear. The only decoration was a lone painting hung above my bed that Vallie had gifted to me for Yulemas one year. She’d painted the three of us. Vallie hugging me from behind, wrapping her full arms across my bony collarbone. Miles was painted standing behind us and looked out of place. He had complained for days when Vallie gave it to me. He’d begged me to take it down, claiming he looked awkward. It only made us laugh and want to keep it up all the more.
I took my drink from Vallie as I settled down on the floor, not wanting to sit on my bed with Miles.
He broke the silence first, “So, how did it go? Anyone we know?” When none of us answered, he added, looking between the two of us, “The banquet, I mean. How was it? I can presume from your lack of excitement that you didn’t win the Prince’s heart, sis. So who’s the unlucky girl?”
I took a long, slow gulp from my drink, giving me time to think about how I could answer. I’d forgotten that Miles didn’t know yet, that he wasn’t at the banquet. The incident seemed like days ago, not hours. I was sure the news spread that a nix was chosen, but Miles came right to our dorm room. He didn’t get the chance to hear the growing gossip.
Vallie looked over at me and gave me a small smile. As if reading my mind, she saved me from answering. “It’s Scottie.”
Miles spit his drink across the room as he went into a laughing fit so hard he was clutching his abdomen. He stopped once he realized we weren’t joining in. He took in the grave seriousness of our faces. “Wait, really?” he asked, his voice coming out an octave higher than normal.
“Yes,” Vallie whispered. “We aren’t joking.”
I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. I opened my mouth to explain, but nothing came out. I turned away, but still felt Miles’ stare boring through the back of my head. I took another long sip of my drink, this time finishing it.
A few awkward moments of silence passed. The stillness was heavy against my chest. Then Miles chucked his cup across the room as he cursed a slew of words. Pink fluid dripped down the brick wall.
“It’s not right,” he finally spoke, “to force you to marry him when you want nothing to do with—”
“Miles, stop.” I cut him off as I twisted from where I sat on the floor. I looked up to meet his stare. “Please stop. This is one of our last nights together. Can we just not talk about it and have fun? Please,” I pleaded, my voice breaking a bit. I could feel tears pooling in my eyes, threatening to spill out. I knew I sounded desperate, but I didn’t care. I wanted to enjoy tonight with my friends.
He sighed loudly before looking down at me. “Fine,” was all he replied with before grabbing the bottle of alcohol from where Vallie had placed it on my nightstand and drank heavily from it.
I think alcohol might have been what I needed tonight. Vallie always said it helped her calm down and relax. That didn’t sound so bad. The twins were both huge partiers, always trying to convince me to join them. I embraced the burn and flutters in my stomach as the pink, bubbling contents slipped down my throat. I giggled to myself, wishing I’d joined them sooner.
I never had in the past because I had to wake up early and train. What a joke that was now. My old self would laugh at the sight of me, the situation I was in, betrothed and utterly tipsy. Two things I never thought I would be. But I wanted to forget about everything, just for tonight, so I continued to drink.
I didn’t want to be stuck in my dorm room alone thinking about the Prince and what marriage to him would be like. And I especially didn’t want to think about what was going to happen once I arrived at the castle.It’s not like anyone would know I was from Lux just by looking at me, my drunk self thought. My biggest concern should reallyonlybe the Prince, and that’sonlyif he sees me naked, andonlyif he looks at my back, andonlyif I was covered in water—or sweat.
I could avoid that. Easily. Just no baths with the hot Prince, and I would be fine. I giggled at myself for being concerned earlier, for thinking this meant it would be my death.
But what about the figure in my dreams? The male on the beach with the lavender eyes eleven years ago. He knew about me. He knew the truth.
I took another long sip from my cup, finishing it in one gulp. Then I grabbed the bottle from Miles and drank more, this time not shuddering as it slid down my throat. “Okay,” I smiled at my friends. “Let’s drink.”
As soon aswe arrived at the party on the WestEnd of campus, I regretted my decision to come. I should have just convinced Vallie and Miles to drink with me in the dorm room. The place Vallie took us to was packed with Advenians, so tight I could barely move without pressing my body against strangers. I cringed every time someone’s slick sweat grazed my arm. The music was blaring in my ears as the song vibrated in my bones.