Page 94 of Lake of Sapphire
“You’re pathetic,” Kole taunted. “What a waste of a high rank if you fell for someone like her. Was she all it took for your demise? A pretty face was the end of you? You could have been great. You could have been the one to make Tennebris as strong as Lux. You could have ruled and reigned for a long time.”
“What is this to you? You want me to admit that I cared for her? Well, I did, and you will fucking regret this.”
A laugh. “My master took a gamble on her. He knew that you liked her after our Trials. Your mistake was having your second demand that she be made into a guard instead of a servant like they’d planned. He knew he could use her in some way to get to you. We’ve been testing you to see how far those feelings went, but you really stumped us by playing the role of the asshole so well, making it seem to the world that you hated her. That’s why he had you perform the blood bond, so you would have no choice but to come here to save her.”
I tried to steady my breathing. Sie willingly came here last night. When he walked through the door in shackles, I thought that they had captured him. I had no idea that he accepted this fate in an attempt to protect me. He let Kole’s men beat him up to save me. The most powerful male in Tennebris, who could probably kill every single Advenian in this warehouse if not for the Vir Alluse, made himself weak for me.
“And who is your master?” Sie asked Kole.
Scottie, are you okay?Sie. He was speaking to me in my mind. That’s why he seemed so calm now. He knew I was alive, that I hadn’t died. He was buying us time by distracting Kole.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Kole responded, but I didn’t hear what else he said. I was too focused on Sie inside my head.
Yes, I’m fine,I sent back to him, not daring to move a muscle from where I laid on the floor.How are you talking to me? I thought they injected you with Alluse? I thought the Vir Alluse made it so that you couldn’t use your abilities?
They did, but for some reason, I can still use my powers with you. It’s draining fast, though. I don’t have much time. I can feel it working against me. I need you to listen to me very closely, Scotlind.
Okay,I thought, waiting for his plan. If we could surprise Kole, maybe we could get out of this. Hope swelled inside me.
I want you to lie there. Do not get up for anything, no matter what you hear. Let them think you are dead. Once they kill me, I want you to run. Run like hell and get as far away from here as you can. Go to Peter. He will help you. He will protect you.
No!I almost yelled out loud before reminding myself to not give anything away.I’m not leaving you.
Scotlind, I’m not asking you. I’m telling you. Please. I need you alive. Once you get out of here, go to Peter. Tell him everything that Kole said. He will know what to do.
“If you aren’t going to tell me anything about who you work for and you’re planning on killing me anyway, why not get it over with?” Sie said out loud to Kole.
No, no, no. I couldn’t let this happen. Sie couldn’t die. He couldn’t leave me.
“So eager to join your dead wife?” Kole stepped toward Sie, and I reacted. I couldn’t let this happen. I didn’t know what I could do against him, but I had to try. I couldn’t let him hurt Sie while I just laid there.
“Scotlind, no!” Sie screamed at the same time Kole spun around.
“What the hell?” Kole spat, his face dazed in confusion.
I lunged at him, wrapping my legs around his waist, tackling him to the ground. My chains hooked around his neck, and I pulled hard. A choking noise rattled from his chest as he struggled to breathe.
Kole’s men leapt toward me, but Sie was faster and took out as many out as possible. Sie was on me in an instant and helped me spring me to my feet. Then we ran like hell.
We only madeit to the damn door before one of the males grabbed Scotlind. I heard her thin nightgown rip. I whirled and punched the mask off the male who was holding her. I flung Scottie to my chest, pulling her close, even though I knew I couldn’t truly protect her, not without my powers. I’d already failed her. What Kole and his men did to her last night… What they tried to do to her this morning…
Scottie would have drowned if—I couldn’t let myself go there.
Kole’s men had us surrounded in seconds. Our slim chance of escaping was gone. I looked at Scottie and took in her sapphire eyes. They were wide with fear. Agony lined her face, tear tracks left marks on her cheeks as they parted the blood that hadn’t washed away from when Kole had held her in the tub. All I wanted to do was wipe the tears away and get her the hell out of here.
I pulled against the chains that clung to my wrists and tried to break out of them, but it was no use. I willed my ability to surface, attempting to call upon the flickering power that I felt in her presence. I just needed enough to teleport her away from here, but it came back empty. It was gone. My reserve was wholly depleted from the Alluse. I still didn’t know how I had managed to use my telepathy with her earlier.
Images of last night flashed in my mind. I couldn’t get the sight of her on that table out of my head. I wanted to fucking murder them all for it. If we survived this, her screams would haunt not only my nightmares but my every waking moment.
Kole recovered and stalked toward us. His eyes gleamed red, matching the mark that Scottie just gave him across his neck. I wrapped my chain around her, pulling her into me, and pressed my hand flat against her stomach, pushing her back against my chest.
Water was dripping down her wet hair and onto her thin nightgown. There was barely any material left. The few stands that remained left nothing to the imagination and the males around us glowered at her.
Some smiled at the sight, taking her all in. One of them had his eyes were glued to her peaked nipples. “Since she survived, can we at least have our fun with her before you finish her off again?”