Page 91 of Ocean of Silver
I forgot where we were. I forgot about everything else but him. His scent. His touch. His lips. His hands found their way behind my neck, locking my head in place so there was no escaping him. I didn’t want to. I wanted to be lost in him, in his soul.
Dovelyn coughed. “That’s enough.” Her voice was ice cold, proof that she didn’t approve of what we were doing. “Take her back to her roomnow.”
We broke apart, and onyx flashed in my peripheral. I caught a glimpse of Sie’s livid expression—wrath incarnate—before he flipped his chair and stormed out of the room.
Dread filled me as Athler and the King both smiled, the latter more malicious than I ever saw him before. It was too late. We played right into their hands.
Tezya walkedme to one of the guest rooms in silence. It was weird being back in Tennebris and sleeping in the castle that I once was forced to call home. I didn’t miss the roaring fireplaces engulfing every wall or the dark rooms lit by hung torches. The whole place felt cold and damp and… dark. But I was no longer terrified of the flames I walked past.
“I have to go,” Tezya said, “I’ll come back in an hour or so. We need to talk. There’s something I have to tell you, but there isn’t enough time to do it now.”
“Where are you going?” I asked as we walked inside. The room was small, with only enough space for a bed, a nightstand, and a fireplace that was already burning to life. There was a small window in the corner of the room, but it didn’t provide much light. Tennebris was approaching its dark season, which I didn’t miss one bit.
I looked up at Tezya as he shut the door. There were so many things I needed to talk to him about, things I needed to hear, needed answers on. I had to confront him about what I overheard.
“The Kings called a mandatory meeting, and everyone is waiting for me.”
“Okay,” I said as his hand reached for the door frame. “Tez,” I pleaded. He halted in front of the door. “I hate this. I hate your father. I hate what’s happening. I hate not being with you. And I hate that the only time I got to see you this past week was for this.” I gestured to our matching attire, to the revealing blue dress I was forced to wear tonight, and the Alluse necklace clamped back over my neck. “To put on a show for everyone.”
He walked toward me and grabbed my hand. Our scabs from our bond scraped against one another. “Scotlind, I promise you, this won’t last. I have a plan. But I need more time to implement it. We just have to get through tonight and make sure Sie becomes King tomorrow. If he doesn’t, if Synder remains on the Tennebrisian throne, things will become more difficult. I need you to trust me.”
I didn’t say anything. I just stared at our linked hands. “Do you?” he asked, his voice a little breathless.
I was happy I was still wearing Alluse. I didn’t know what my emotions would read right now if I wasn’t. Did I trust him? If I was asked that question a week ago, I would have said yes without any hesitation. But now, after hearing his conversation with his sister…
“I trust you,” I finally whispered, realizing for myself that it was true. I would ask Tezya as soon as he came back what I had overheard, but I did trust him. I had to.
He closed the remaining gap between us in seconds. My breath hitched as he leaned down to kiss me. His lips were soft, but the kiss was rushed. “I don’t want to leave you,” he groaned.
“Then don’t.” I smiled through the kiss as I gently pushed him toward the door. I couldn’t stomach Tezya pissing off the Lux King again, even if I didn’t want him to leave right now. If both Kingdoms called a mandatory meeting, Tezya had to be there.
“Don’t open this door for anyone, Rumor.”
“I won’t.”
“I mean it. I’ll be back in an hour.” He paused. “Stay in here until I get back. You can’t be caught with Sie. If you are—”
“I’ll be fine,” I said. He squeezed my hand and gently kissed my forehead.
“I promise I’ll explain everything soon.”
* * *
I sprintedtoward the door and flung it open when a knock sounded hours later. I missed Tezya, which was stupid because we had only been separated for a little bit, but every time he left, I felt like a piece of me was going with him. The desperation of needing someone that badly terrified me, and I had no idea where it stemmed from. And after not seeing him for a whole week, I wanted to soak up every second I could with him before I was chained to his father’s side again.
My breath was stolen from me when I was greeted by two black eyes instead of silver ones. Sie quickly glanced both ways in the hall before pushing into my room. He closed the door behind him before I could open my mouth or process what was happening.
“Sie, what are you doing here? You need to leavenow.”
He ran a hand through his dark waves. He looked flustered. His skin was paler than usual, more sickly than when I last saw him.
“I had to see you,” he said as he took a step toward me.
“If anyone catches us together—”