Page 5 of Here Kitty, Kitty
Note: If you think $200 is enough…
I hit send.
A prolonged moment passed where I heard nothing. My anxiety spiked.
Sender: XXu-KnOw-U-wAnT-iT-lItTlE-gIrLXX
Note: Daddy knows that pussy is priceless. Now show me that tight, pink slit, little girl. Show me how wet you are, knowing I’m watching you right now.
Every single partof me said to get up and leave, to call for help. This was dangerous. No one from my online cam-girl life should know any personal information about me. I made sure to keep everything private. It’s Showtime was a trusted site and took precautions so hackers couldn't decrypt personal information.
But something was wrong. Something happened.
Someone out there knew who I was, where I was, and what I was doing at any given moment.
I needed to call Tate. He was the only person who would know what to do. But God… I’d have to admit what I was doing, and that opened up a whole other can of worms. The last thing I wanted was my stepbrother knowing I was doing sex work online.
Tate had always been very protective, and this would no doubt set him off.
A part of me thought of all the logical, safe things to do. And another part—a darker part—wanted to point my phone camera right at my pussy, pull my panties aside, and take a picture for XXu-KnOw-U-wAnT-iT-lItTlE-gIrLXX. That same darker part also wanted to do what he said and call him Daddy.
I nibbled on my bottom lip as I looked out the window once more, then glanced around the classroom. The auditorium had tiered seating, and I was in the first row. The two windows were situated on either side of me, and although it was a full class, the students were spread out enough that the room looked barely occupied.
I felt the back of my neck tingle and instinctively lifted my hand to rub my nape. It was that sensation of being watched.But I didn’t look around to see who was staring at me. Iknewit wastheclient. There was another vibration from my phone, and I exhaled long and silent as I looked down at the screen.
There was another deposit of fifty dollars, making the total he sent me two hundred on top of his subscription fee, and I hadn't shown him anything in return. Not that it was my problem he decided to send money without me agreeing to send what he wanted in return.
But I couldn’t deny I found it extremely arousing, his clear arrogance that he thought I’d just give him whatever he wanted.
Yet it wasn’t that he gave me more money that suddenly had this tingle of unease filling me. And it wasn’t what he said in the message I just received, because I hadn’t even read it yet.
It was the fact that he sent me a text… as in a text message to my personal phone number.
Unknown Number:I want to see your pussy now. And I want you to spread your lips. Do it for me like a good girl, or I’ll make sure you’re punished.
I was afraid,but more than that, I felt this wave of arousing reality and uncertainty consume every single part of me.
He knew who I was. Where I was. My personal, private information. And hewantedme to know that.
He could most certainly make his promise of punishing me a reality. Everything went dark in my mind, and white noise filled my head. I shifted in my chair, slightly slouching down and spreading my thighs, without even realizing I’d done it. Without consciously following his order.
God, I’m really doing this.
I wore a skirt, and the material slid up my thighs from my movements. I got the camera ready on my phone, slipped myhands between my thighs, and pulled my panties aside with the one not holding my cell. The way the desks were—a solid wall of wood shielding the front of each row across the entire stadium-style classroom, hiding everything from the desktop down to the floor, with thin walls between each seat, the tops all connected to create one long expanse—I knew no one would be able to really see what I was doing. No one was directly behind me in the next row up. But the reality was… I didn’t even care if someonedidsee.
Since when had I become an exhibitionist?
I was already wet as I spread my pussy and took a picture.
And then I hit Send.