Page 51 of Barbarian Brothers
The mercenaries settled on the western side of the southernmost ridge, just a couple hundred yards from the original crash site. We’re back where we started, in a way. It’s depressing as hell, but I have every reason to fight for my freedom.
I’m sweating rivers in this wretched heat. It’s getting worse by the hour. I’m pretty sure the water in my bottle will soon dry out. My blood curdles as we carefully make our way across the open stretch of yellow grassland separating the hill from the mountain’s low ridge. My gaze wanders along the stony peaks adorned by rapidly drying tufts of red and purple shrubs. From what I remember, this is a natural process. It happens every year. The summer literally burns everything down slowly, only for nature to swiftly replenish it as soon as the wet season begins.
Of course, what they call the wet season is what we consider the equivalent of a couple of days’ worth of short summerrains. They only have three seasons, each hotter than the other—the moon spring is the longest, lasting about six months; the summer is the worst, stretching up to three months; and the wet season covers a month, tops. From what I’ve been told, the natural balance of Sunna revolves around its inner fire, but I have yet to see any of that for myself. It sounds more like something out of a folk tale, yet everyone I’ve spoken to fiercely believes in Sunna’s strength.
I wonder if I’ll ever lay eyes on it, if it’s metaphoric or tangible. Either way, I could use some of that spunk right now because the closer we get to Umok’s camp, the yellower I seem to be getting.
“Man, I don’t think I wanna do this,” I mutter, my knees turning to jelly.
“We’ve made it this far,” Cynthia tries to encourage me.
“What if it doesn’t work out?” I pause and take a deep breath. “I’m panicking. It sounds like I’m panicking. Am I panicking?”
Jewel shoots me a cool grin. “You are panicking. But Amber, we agreed this was the best way forward. We took every precaution for every possible worst-case scenario. I’ve got the smoke bombs ready, and they weren’t easy to put together. I had to palm most of the charcoal and nitrate out of the mines for this, but I did it. We’ll blow these fuckers into a confused frenzy, then we’ll snatch Valen and run as fast as we can.”
“If we succeed, we’ll get a good head start,” Alicia agrees, her gaze fixed on the scene ahead.
Thick layers of black wood surround the Sky Tribe’s encampment. They chopped plenty of trees down for this makeshift fort. It’s meant to protect them from nocturnal predators and Fire Tribe projectiles since black wood is knownfor its fire-repellent properties.
The lights are on within the camp—tall torches burning at the four corners, where soldiers stand, mounted atop the fort’s watchtowers. Their crimson eyes scan the surroundings, and when the first of them sees us, he sounds the alarm.
Within seconds, about fifty mercenaries emerge through the camp’s sturdy gates, crossbows and swords ready.
“I will never get over how huge these people are,” Cynthia mumbles.
Fear grips me by the throat, but I take the first step forward with all the calm and composure I can muster in these circumstances. Jewel has observed and learned enough about these people to ascertain what their response would be if we surrendered willingly. Or if we at least give them the impression that we’re surrendering willingly.
“We’re alone,” I call out to the fighters. “And we wish to speak to Umok. I take it he’s in there?”
One of the Sky Tribe narrows his eyes at me. “You’re the human women.”
“That’s very perceptive of you,” I reply bluntly. “Please, go fetch Umok.”
“Why would we do that when you just walked up to us?” he chuckles gruffly. The others seem just as amused while Cynthia inches closer to me.
“Umok praised his Sky Tribe for being the more civilized of the two factions currently warring here on Sunna,” I say, loud enough for everyone to hear. “We’d like to speak to him first before we surrender. Or, of course, you could be the mindlessbarbarians you’re claiming you’re not by grabbing us right here, right now. Your choice. Your honor is at stake, not just your survival as a species.”
The fighter thinks about it for a moment, then sends word for someone to bring Umok out. A minute later, our nemesis walks out through the front gates with an arrogant smirk and a noticeable limp. Jewel did quite the number on his thigh, and I couldn’t be prouder. But the worst part isn’t over yet, and I take another step forward.
Umok dons his tribe’s blue colors in the form of silk sheets wrapped around his massive body, snapped tightly around the waist with a black leather and silver beaded belt. His slick black hair is braided down his back, four horns glinting in the night. One of them is chipped, and I hope it hurts like hell.
“Would you like me to bring out a table and some chairs, too?” Umok asks. “Perhaps some spiced tea while we sit down and chat?”
“No, I just wanted to look you in the eyes before I surrender,” I tell him. “You took a child from his parents. You put a child’s life at risk to get what you so desperately desired. I just want to make sure you let Valen go once the four of us set foot inside that camp of yours.”
“You must be naive,” Umok chuckles. “What was the plan, exactly?”
“What do you mean?” I ask. “Are you blind? We’re here. Without the Fire Tribe. We’ve come to surrender willingly because we couldn’t live with ourselves knowing you’re holding an innocent child hostage.”
Umok glances back at his men and laughs lightly. “How noble of you, Amber. But if you thought we gave even the slightest damn over a Fire Tribe offspring, you are not as intelligent as I originally assumed.”
“This is the only deal you’re getting,” Jewel cuts in. “Us four in exchange for the child. Have one of your men take Valen back to the Mal clan, and we will stay here with you.”
“Oh, Jewel. I have something special planned for you,” Umok growls, giving her a ravenous sneer. This bastard is itching for violence and worse. The look on his face makes my skin crawl, but I have to keep it together. “You will rue the day you decided to pick up a blade against me. You will beg me to kill you by the time I’m done, provided giving birth to at least ten of our children won’t kill you first.”
“Fat chance,” Jewel mutters.
“Umok, you should appreciate this courtesy,” I tell him. “Us for the child. Valen is of no use to you. We’re here. Do the right thing, and perhaps your future children will look up to you when they learn of your compassion and righteousness during these trying times.”