Page 46 of If You Fight
He placed his glass down on his desk and when he spoke again, he sounded almost chipper. “So that little ugliness between us got me thinking, and I think your talents are being wasted on merely convincing people to pay their debts, Ryder. Don’t you?”
“My talents? What would those be?”
“What got my attention in the first place. Fighting. So it’s time we start utilizing those talents again so we both benefit.”
Leaning forward, Ryder let go of my hand and stared in shock at my father. After a few moments, he asked, “You want me to fight again?”
“You have no money to speak of, and if you’re going to be with my daughter, you need to bring something to the table other than the fact that she likes you,” my father said with a sneer.
“Loves him,” I said, correcting his mistake in characterizing how I felt about Ryder. “I love him.”
Without even looking at me, my father continued, “Which makes it even more important that you have something to offer her. So you’ll be fighting from now on. I’ve contacted Floyd, and he’s setting up a fight in three weeks.”
I had no idea what to think about what my father was proposing, but as I watched Ryder’s mouth drop open in shock, I knew it wasn’t good.
Leaning back, he shook his head. “I haven’t fought in over two years. Three weeks won’t be enough time, and you know it. You’re setting me up to get my head crushed in again.”
I waited to hear my father say he’d give him more time, but instead he said, “You can either fight in three weeks or you can leave this house tonight. Your choice.”
Ryder stared straight ahead, and if my father’s ultimatum rattled him, he didn’t show it. Barely loud enough for me to hear, he said, “Three weeks then.”
Clapping his hands, my father smiled. “Good! I look forward to seeing you fight again.”
I couldn’t believe my ears. None of this was good. He just blackmailed the man I loved to get his way and send Ryder back to fighting, even though he damn well knew he wasn’t ready to face anyone in three weeks.
“No! Ryder and I won’t be held hostage by you anymore,” I said as I jumped up out of my seat. “You’re practically making sure he gets hurt, and you promised me you wouldn’t do that again.”
My father narrowed his eyes to slits and sternly corrected me. “I promised I wouldn’t have him beaten again, and I won’t. He has three weeks to get in shape. What he does in that time is up to him.”
Ryder stood up and grabbed my arm to stop me, but I continued to protest my father’s cruelty. “Why are you doing this to him? He’s done nothing but do your bidding ever since he returned to work.”
“Don’t, Serena. Let’s go,” Ryder said, pushing me toward the door.
Looking back at my father, I saw him smirk like acting this way toward Ryder pleased him to no end. “Listen to your boyfriend, sweetheart. He knows I’m not bluffing.”
I slipped out of Ryder’s hold and stormed back to stand next to my father’s desk. Glaring down at him, I said, “You think you can just send him away and I won’t leave with him? You’re crazy. I wouldn’t stay here for one damn second if he wasn’t here. In fact, you should thank him because he’s the only reason I’m still here.”
My father stared up at me the whole time I said what was on my mind, never even blinking once as he listened to the truth of how I felt about being there in that house and around him. When I finished, he slowly lifted his glass to his mouth and took a sip of that damn bourbon and branch shit he liked to drink, all the while smirking like he had all the power.
That he did for the moment didn’t matter to me. Someday he wouldn’t. And on that day, he’d see what his hatefulness and cruelty had created.
Swirling the ice in his glass, he grinned. “That’s always been your Achilles’ heel, Serena. You care about others. Maybe you’d rather I threaten your mother instead of having Ryder fight? Okay. How about we make it your choice? Ryder fights or your mother suffers. It’s up to you.”
My emotions threatened to explode out of me in a mixture of rage and hurt from how powerless I felt standing there as he smiled up at me waiting for my choice of which person I loved would be hurt. I hated him, and as I forced back the tears so he wouldn’t be able to enjoy how miserable he made me, I silently swore I’d never forget this moment.
“Serena, don’t,” Ryder said behind me as he gently tugged my arm so I’d join him.
I looked back and saw him standing there, his eyes full of the same hate I knew mine held, and I knew he’d never let me choose to have my mother hurt. I loved him all the more for that, but I’d never forgive myself if he suffered for me once again.
Without even bothering to look at my father, I turned and followed Ryder out of the office. He took my hand in his and squeezed it as we silently walked toward the hallway to the south wing and his apartment. Once again, my father had found a way to make me see that only a fool would believe they could find happiness in his world.
I’d been that fool for weeks, blissfully trusting he would let Ryder and me live in peace. Now, as my hate for him threatened to choke me, I tried to remember it was only a matter of time before the private detective gave me some information on my mother and I’d be able to see her again.
And once she and I were reunited, he could threaten all he wanted. I’ll have beaten him at his own game.