Page 6 of Balls to the Walls
Well, there wasn’t really a whole lot left to do other than get down to business. As much as my side hurt, talking might dull the pain.
“It all started two nights ago.”
“Wait, you mean to tell me you just met her two nights ago?”
“I just told you that.” Was he not listening to anything I was saying? Or was I having one of those delusional dreams where I thought I was saying something, but wasn’t actually speaking at all? Or maybe this was a dream within a dream and the dream sequence was all messed up.
“You said you just met her,” he argued, interrupting my thoughts. “I figured you meant in the past few weeks, not the last two days. Was your meeting that good?”
I grinned at him. “It was magical.”
“So is herpes. I don’t suppose you used protection.”
I frowned. “Wow, you really have no faith in your fellow man.”
“Definitely not, and not in my fellow woman either. So, you met her two nights ago.”
I got lost again in the memories of that night. Nothing better had ever happened in all my life. “I met her in Mexico, just across the border. We were in this old cantina, one that locals frequent. I can still feel the humidity in the air and how my shirt stuck to my skin. At first, I was miserable, thinking this was the worst place in the world to hang out. But then I saw her. A brunette beauty with hair flowing wildly down her back in a tangle of waves. I remember thinking in that moment that I was going to marry her.”
“Because she had a tangle of waves?” Lock asked like I was stupid.
“It was the image of her. Her ethereal beauty was what snagged me.”
He stared at me, his expression one of boredom. “Ethereal?”
“Well, I thought so at the time. She had on this white top that dipped between her breasts, accentuating the curves, clearly indicating that she was looking for a good time. But not with just anyone.”
“I had no idea breasts told so much,” he muttered as he examined my side.
“They do,” I sighed. “And she had on this flowy white skirt, you know the kind that makes you want to hoist her up on the bar and slide your hands underneath?”
“Not sure I’m familiar with that one,” he grumbled.
“You should be. It’s so fucking awesome.” I winced as he pulled at the stake. “Careful. You could at least add some numbing agent.”
“But then you wouldn’t feel the pain as I rip this from your body. Only then can I be sure you really aren’t a vampire.”
As sad as it was to say, he was right. “Go for it.”
He started wiggling some more, checking the wound for God knows what. “Anyway, you were saying?”
“It was at that moment that I knew I found my match. Not just any woman, but the woman I was destined to spend the rest of my life with.”
“Just like that.”
“Just like that,” I grinned.
“So, what happened?”
Somewhere in Mexico.
Approximately 47 hours, 18 minutes, and 45 seconds ago…
I swallowedthe entire glass of tequila, nearly choking on it as I watched the dangerous vixen in front of me. With an olive complexion and the most vibrant brown eyes, I could swear I was being set up to take the fall for something. Her eyes danced as she watched me. With a tray balanced on one hand, she served the drinks the locals ordered, but her eyes always came back to meet mine.