Page 107 of Bite the Bullet
“On what?”
“On whether or not I need to use it again. It’s nice to have something like that in my pocket, just in case you decide to piss me off. Now, send me the address or I’ll upload that particular video for everyone at OPS to see. And then you’ll have Fox paying you a visit. I can only imagine how that’s going to go.”
“You know, I really fucking hate you.”
The line went dead and I grinned to myself. Yes, Dash was good, but I was better.
“What was that about?” Skylar asked.
“Just a little work rivalry gone?—”
The blinding headlights smashed into my side, sending the SUV swerving out of control and flipping, rolling over twice before coming to a stop with me hanging upside down. My neck ached from being tossed around, but it was my left side I was the most concerned with. My arm was hanging loosely at my side and the gash in my leg with the piece of metal sticking out was a tad concerning.
“Skylar?” I asked, my voice weaker than I’d like.
“I’m good,” she mumbled. “I think.”
“We need to get out of here.”
I heard her release her belt and fall to the roof that was now where our feet should be.
“Don’t move,” she said, her voice shaking. “You have…multiple contusions and—” She sucked in a breath before reaching across me, pressing her fingers around the metal piece in my leg. “That’s really bad. We need an ambulance.”
“That’s not going to happen. Sky, listen to me. I need you to find out where the other vehicle is. Look out the window.”
She nodded and crawled into the back. I was kicking myself for getting injured when she needed me to protect her.
“Oh God. They’re behind us. They’re getting out.”
“How many are there?” I asked, feeling around for my gun. My holster was no longer on my pants. I felt around for it. I had to be on the roof of the car somewhere.
“Two vehicles or two men?”
“Two men. They have guns.”
“Skylar, you have to do what I say, okay? Sky!” My fingers brushed over the leather of my holster, but it was just out of reach.
“Yeah, I hear you.”
“Grab a gun out of the bag and hide it in the back of your jeans. They’re going to try and take you from the vehicle. Once they have you outside, they’ll force you into their vehicle. You can’t let that happen. If you get in their vehicle, I’ll never be able to find you.”
“What do I do?” she asked, her voice on the verge of panic.
“Use the gun. You do whatever you have to do to get away from them. You run and hide. Do not come back for me.” I stretched further, my entire left side pulling painfully as my fingers brushed the butt of the gun.
“Do not argue with me,” I snapped. “You do whatever you have to and you get away!”
The door on my side creaked, but wouldn’t open as the man tugged. It was too banged up. “There she is!” the man shouted, moving to the back of the vehicle.
With a surge of adrenaline, I shoved my body as far forward as I could, finally grabbing the gun by the tips of my nails. With my arm laying limply at my side, I had to twirl it with my fingers on the roof of the vehicle until I could grip it.
I heard Sky scream as the glass broke out in the back, then heard her fire her gun. I twisted in my seat as best I could, but I didn’t have a shot. The men were out of sight, but Sky’s screams made it clear she wasn’t going to make it out on her own. I only had one choice right now, and that was to unbuckle and riskshoving the metal further into my leg, possibly causing me to bleed out.
“This is gonna hurt,” I muttered, depressing the buckle. I toppled out of the seat, falling on my shoulder as I tucked in my head. The metal in my leg twisted, grinding deeper into the wound. I clenched my jaw in pain, holding back the scream that threatened to break free. I crawled across the broken glass, shoving my way through the window. Shards cut into my skin, leaving pieces of flesh behind.