Page 49 of Bite the Bullet
“He’s not taking this well,” I said to Rae as Johnny disappeared into the truck.
“Neither will you when you see Jack.”
“You’ve seen him?”
“I may have bribed a few people to check on him while he was in prison.”
“Rae, do you realize what you could have done?”
“Yes, but I was careful. I kept an eye on him. That’s all.”
“And any connection to him?—”
“And you think this is different?” she asked. “We’re literally right across the street from him. If anyone suspects us here, it’ll get us all killed. The difference is, the only way out for Jack is if we help himfinish the job. Rafe’s gone. He’s doing his own thing with no regard for anyone around him.”
“You’re the one that helped him escape.”
“Yes, and it got him out of our lives,” she argued. “Like it or not, you, Johnny, and Jack have become a part of the OPS family. We take care of our own, and that man across the street has been on the brink of death just a few too many times in the past few years.”
She was right. I knew it and I agreed with our plan, but that didn’t make this any easier. One wrong move and our friend would be face down in a gutter somewhere. This was extremely risky.
“Look, let’s finish unloading and get set up. This isn’t going to be solved overnight.”
Johnny walked in at that moment, stopping when he saw we were in the middle of a heated discussion. “Did I miss something?”
“No, we were just talking about how we need to focus on ending this,” Rae answered, heading back to the room she was setting up.
Johnny carried the box over to the kitchen and set it down, staring at me curiously.
“We’re gonna get him out.”
“I know,” I sighed. “Things could have been different.”
“How so?”
“With…there are things we all could have done differently.”
“You mean if we had never joined Rafe.”
“Exactly,” I grunted.
“And then I might not have met Tahlia. Sometimes the hardest road has the most rewards.”
I rolled my eyes at his philosophical bullshit. “Don’t start with that.”
“What? Choosing to look at this for what it is?”
“You know, not everyone gets what they want in life. I don’t regret working with Rafe. Yeah, he could have done a better job with a lot of shit, but look at what we’ve done.”
“Yeah, we’ve sacrificed everything for nothing.”
“That’s not true.”
“It’s exactly true. We’re no closer to getting rid of The Syndicatethan we were three years ago. Rafe has run off with Libby and left us hanging. Jack’s a strung-out junkie. Tell me what part of that points to our successes?”
I didn’t have an answer for him. I wanted to tell him we’d done something great, but the truth was, this was a long battle. Even if we did manage to take them down, another would pop up within a week.