Page 74 of Bite the Bullet
How the fuck did I tell her that I had to walk away? There wasn’t really anything between us. She had a shot with the officer. At least he could protect her in a way I couldn’t.
“You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you?” she grinned.
“Can you break up with someone you’re not with?”
“I appreciate you giving him this.”
“It was a good day.”
“But it has to end,” she surmised. “You have to take care of this thing with Baz.”
“And you have to take care of Parker,” I nodded in his direction. “He won’t even remember me when he gets home and stuffs all those animals in his room.”
“I think you’re underestimating your effect on him.”
For just a moment, our fingers brushed against each other. I could feel the spark between us, the desire to hold her and never let her go, but just as soon, Parker called out to us and whatever was between us was broken.
“When arewe going to see Jack again?” Parker pouted on the way into preschool on Monday. “He didn’t even come over and see my Flamingo.”
“He was probably busy, Parker.”
“That’s what you keep saying,” he grumbled.
I felt like I was letting Parker down at every turn, but what was I supposed to do? Men were following us around, and while that wasn’t Jack’s fault, it wasn’t doing us any good to be around him either. After I dropped Parker off, I headed to work, not at all ready to start my day. I was exhausted from lack of sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I thought I heard an explosion and ran to check on Parker. Luckily, he managed to get a full night’s sleep and was ready to go this morning.
I was a good ten minutes early when I clocked in, but one look at Denise’s face, you’d think I was an hour later.
“You’ve been requested for the day,” she said, shooting me the stink eye.
“By who?”
“The police,” she said, tossing a file at me. “I guess you called in a few favors.” Her eyes slid up and down my body suggestively.
“I didn’t call in any favors. I don’t know what this is about.”
“Save the choir girl act for someone that buys it. It’s bad enough that you have that officer hanging all over you, but then you let your neighbor come in here and get me in trouble.”
“What are you talking about?”
She scoffed, grabbing her files and walking away, ramming into my shoulder on the way. I steadied myself on the counter, doing my best to breathe through the anger so I didn’t shove my pen through her eyeball. That would most definitely make it difficult to keep my job.
“Hey,” Gina said, rushing over to me. “I heard about your job today.” She waggled her eyebrows at me, grinning like a goofball.
“That’s more than I’ve heard. Denise tossed this folder at me, accused me of sleeping my way out of work, and then having my neighbor call HR to get her fired.”
“Wow, can I have your pull?”
“We both know I don’t have any pull around here,” I said, opening the file. “Do you know what I’m supposed to be doing?”
“Only that you’re going with a cop somewhere.”
I skimmed through the file, reading over it. “It looks like some kind of medical day at a school. But why am I going? Shouldn’t they have a doctor go?”