Page 83 of Bite the Bullet
“Um…” Within minutes, Rae had a list compiled. Most of the locations were stores of some kind. It was doubtful that Jack was at any of those. If he was in trouble, it had to be somewhere isolated.
“There,” I said, pointing to one of the few locations that wasn’t a store. “What’s that?”
“It’s…a hospital,” Rae concluded. “But I remember driving past this on the way here. Wasn’t it abandoned?”
I pulled out my phone, immediately dialing the number listed. When I heard the tone of a disconnected line, I knew that was the right place. “I’m heading over there now.”
I stormed toward the door with Jason hot on my heels.
“Hey!” Rae shouted, stopping both of us. “People, do you know nothing about working as a team?”
She opened a drawer and pulled out camera equipment andearpieces. “Seriously, I shouldn’t have to remind you that I’m on your side. Put these on,” she said, tossing the small cameras at us. “For god’s sake, it’s like working with amateurs.”
I slipped the earpiece in and attached the camera to my shirt. She was right. We weren’t used to working with others, not in this way. I nodded to her, not sure what to say right now.
She rolled her eyes and shooed us out the door. “Go. Geez, you’re making it impossible not to give you a gigantic hug and pat your heads like little kids.”
The smallest smile touched my lips, but I never once let her see it. First the wedding and now smiling…she was messing with my head.
“Any idea what we’re going to do when we get there?” Jason asked.
“No, but when do we ever have a plan?”
“I don’t know. I like plans,” he said, slamming the car door. “I mean, I’m not great at following them, but it’s always nice to have an exit strategy.”
“Our exit strategy is simple. Get out and don’t get shot.”
“I like the way you think,” he nodded as we tore down the road. “Not that I think this is at all the right choice, but do you think we should call Rafe?”
“For what purpose?”
“I don’t know. To tell him now would be a good time to get his ass in gear and help us.”
“Like he’s helped Jack so far?”
“I’m not saying he will. I’m just saying…maybe it wouldn’t be a bad thing if he was aware that Jack is possibly going to end up dead.”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” I gritted out. The last fucking person I wanted to see was Rafe. I was too pissed at him to allow him anywhere near anyone I cared about. I couldn’t believe that I used to admire the way he was. His lack of loyalty to anyone other than the job was always something I revered. I could always trust in his lack of faith in anyone other than himself. Now…I just hoped that same loyalty I showed him for years wasn’t about to get one of us killed.
“Here,” Jason pointed at the white building. I pulled into theparking lot, keeping to the back of the lot. The whole fucking place was abandoned, the perfect place to take someone if you didn’t want to draw attention to yourself.
“Rae, we’re at the hospital. Do you copy?”
“Loud and clear. And I agree. You shouldn’t call in Rafe just yet.”
“Were you listening the whole time?”
“Well, that’s what happens when you get earpieces from me. No offense, but I don’t exactly trust the two of you to keep me in the loop. I had to make sure you didn’t leave me out of anything important. Like…say the two of you getting yourselves killed.”
Ignoring her comments, I moved on. “Did you find out anything about this place?”
“I’m trying to triangulate a satellite, but not having any luck. The only eyes I have are from you.”
“Looks like we’re going in,” Jason said, scanning the parking lot.
“We don’t have a lot of firepower with us. How do you want to do this?”
He sighed, running his hand along his jaw. “Scope it out. It depends on how many guys they have on the inside.Ifthis is even the place.”