Page 90 of Bite the Bullet
I had to get to the bank and then pick up Parker. He was safe at the preschool, so that’s where he had to stay for the time being. I was a wreck the entire way to the bank. Deciding to leave was one thing, but actually doing it was another. I didn’t know if I could keep him safe, but staying would only end with him in the hands of a father who didn’t care about him.
My hands shook as I walked into the bank. I felt like everyone was watching me, like they knew what I was here to do. Even the kind smiles of the bankers didn’t put me at ease. I filled out the slip, withdrawing as much money as I could without drawing any attention. Of course, if Baz and his men were watching, it wouldn’t be long until they figured out what I was doing.
On shaky legs, I strolled over to the first open teller and slid the withdrawal slip across the counter to her. She glanced at the amount, then smiled at me. “I’ll just need a form of ID for such a large withdrawal.”
“Of course,” I said, fumbling around in my wallet for my ID. I shot her a smile and slid that over as well.
She looked at it, then slid it back. “I’ll just need one moment.”
“Of course.”
She headed to the back, but I didn’t miss the way she looked back at me before picking up the phone. Shit, this was bad. Cupping her hand over the receiver, she whispered to someone else, then shot me a reassuring smile.
A man in a suit walked over, smiling a little too nicely at me. “We just need approval first.”
“For what?” I asked.
“Because of the amount,” he answered smoothly.
“It’s nine thousand dollars,” I responded. “That’s under the limit. I’m not sure what you would need approval for. It’s my account and I showed my ID.”
“It’s just a formality,” he answered.
This was wrong. Very, very wrong and it had Baz written all over it. He was watching me at the bank, which explained how Rico knew that I was taking cash and setting it aside. He knew I would have it because he had eyes at the bank.
I took a step back, grabbing my purse and slinging it over my shoulder.
“Ms. West…”
I didn’t wait for him to finish. I turned and strode out of the bank, making sure not to cause a commotion on the way. I nearly fumbled my car keys in my haste to get out of there. If he was alerted, that meant that Parker would be under surveillance also.
I started the car and tore out of the lot, driving as fast as possible to the preschool. I wouldn’t be able to grab anything from the house. We’d have to get out of town, leaving everything behind. My phone rang in my purse and I almost didn’t answer it, but I had this gnawing feeling in my gut that something bad was about to happen.
Without checking the caller ID, I answered the phone. “Hello?”
“Skylar, thank God!”
I recognized Ms. Sally’s voice instantly, nearly slamming on the brakes at the panic in her voice. “What’s wrong? Did something happen to Parker?”
“He’s gone,” she cried. “A man was just here and he pulled a gun! I’m so sorry! We did everything we could to stop him, but?—”
Everything faded away as the sound of my own heartbeat filled my ears. My son was gone. Someone had taken him. My vision tunneled for a moment, and the only thing that brought me back to the present and made me concentrate was the loud honking of the vehicle I almost crashed into.
I couldn’t afford to panic right now, no matter how much I wanted to. Parker was out there and he needed me. “I’ll be right there,” I said, trying not to allow the tingling in my limbs to render me completely incapable of functioning.
I was still five minutes away, but I couldn’t handle this on my own. I needed help. I knew Pete would be there for me, but bringing the police in might only make things more dangerous. I needed someonewho had no scruples, someone I knew would protect Parker with everything he had.
I squeezed my eyes shut for only a moment as I quickly flicked through my phone log, searching for the number I’d only had for a week. Another car honked and I raised my hand apologetically after nearly cutting him off. “Pull it together,” I said as I pressed send.
The phone rang, but he never picked up. I dialed again, wondering if he was screening his calls. Things were strange between Jack and me right now, but I was so sure he would pick up the phone. But again, he didn’t answer.
I was practically in tears, unable to think about anything else besides getting to the preschool. But the problem was, Parker wasn’t there. Without another thought, I dialed Pete’s number.
“Pete,” I said, my voice coming out breathy and near hysteria. “He’s gone. Parker’s gone!”
“What? What happened?”