Page 101 of Free Fire Zone
Maybe for her. She was still getting off every night. Meanwhile, I was forced to live vicariously through everyone around me.
“Hey,” Dash said as he slipped into the room. I hadn’t even heard him come in.
I blushed bright red, nodding to him as if everything was fine. “Hey! How are the ladies?” I asked in such a way that I hoped to convey a high-five in guy speak.
“Oh, they left hours ago. How was your night?”
“Um…eventful. I walked in on Edith having sex with her new husband. You might know him. Bowie?”
He jerked back slightly. “Bowie? As in the mechanic who works with Duke?”
“Hey,” he said, hurrying around to my side, kneeling as he examined my head. “What happened here?”
“That would be the aftermath of seeing my pseudo-mother getting fucked on the counter.”
He winced, prodding the bump with his finger. “It looks painful. Let me get an ice pack.”
I missed this side of Dash. He was so good to me, but how could I possibly stay when he was entertaining other women in his house? He returned a moment later, holding the ice pack to my head, winching as he stared at it.
“You’re not having a good night, are you?”
“I’ve had better. Oh, and she’s moving in with Bowie into the house she was going to allow me to rent from her.”
“Well, you can always stay here.”
The offer was generous, but the thought of being here when he brought home his one-night stands made my chest squeeze painfully—more than when Andrew left me. I couldn’t do it. I was so attracted to Dash, and if I had to watch him with other women, it might actually kill me.
“I was actually just going to stay at Andrew’s.”
“Really? I thought…that was too painful.”
“Right, but…you have your life and I’ll only get in the way.”
He looked stricken, but I wasn’t sure why. This was what he wanted, right? To have the freedom to bring home his ladies and do whatever he wanted with them? Although, I never pictured him with two women at once. Maybe I didn’t know him as well as I thought.
“We have the spare bedroom,” he said quickly.
Right, so I could hear them going at it. That wouldn’t be happening.
“Yeah, I think I need my own space. It’ll be good for me.”
He nodded, but for some reason, it didn’t feel like he agreed with me. It was times like this that I really thought he felt more for me than he let on. But if that was true, he wouldn’t have brought two ladies home and practically pranced them around in front of me.
“I’ll get my things together tomorrow and head over there.”
“Yeah, whatever you want,” he said, shoving to his feet. His hands immediately went to his pockets, and for the first time, he looked uncomfortable. “Although, you can’t boast that you live in a house with a couch in the front door,” he grinned.
“Well, I could always have you come over and do the same to Andrew’s front door. It won’t be the same, but I’ll survive.”
His lips pinched as he glanced upstairs. “Um…I’m gonna head to bed soon. In the guest room. I have an air mattress.”
Yeah, his bed was probably too messed up for anyone to sleep in.
“Do you…want to join me?”
I wanted to so desperately, but I couldn’t get the sounds of sex out of my head no matter how hard I tried. And what if I laid down with him and he still smelled like them? No, it was best for me to stay here.