Page 106 of Free Fire Zone
“Hey, it’s not like I can just change the status quo of our relationship,” I argued. “It would put us on shaky ground.”
Cash scoffed at me. “Dash, you’re sleeping with a woman that you desperately want to fuck. You spend every minute you’re not at work with her. The only way this can change is for the better.”
Maybe he was right about that, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to take that chance. Right now, what we had worked. Maybe I didn’t get to pleasure her in ways that any man would dream about, but I got to hold her at night and feel her body against mine. And if that was all I ever got, I’d learn to live with it because having something was better than nothing.
“Aren’tyou going to come over and see the house?” Edith asked over the phone.
I was just leaving school and the last thing I wanted was to see her face again. I was still traumatized from walking in on her fucking a man twenty years younger than her.
“Uh…not tonight. I have a ton of papers to grade.”
“You say that every time we talk. Honey, is this about what you walked in on? Because honestly, we’re all adults. You should be able to handle the fact that I have sex.”
“Oh, I can handle it. I just don’t need to see it.”
“I don’t understand why. Lee has been over to see me.”
Lee hadn’t seen her boobs hanging out as a man’s very tight ass clenched with every thrust.
“I’ll try to come over this weekend.”
She sighed heavily, clearly disappointed in my answer. “You say that every weekend.”
“Well, I mean it. We have Friday off, so I’ll be over on Saturday at one o’clock.”
“Oh, are we on a schedule now?”
“We are if it means I won’t walk in on you and your new husband.”
“Uh…hold on, dear.”
I fumbled with my car keys as I waited for her to return to the phone. As I piled my bag and lunch box in the back seat, I thought I heard rustling of some kind. I stood up straight and listened intently, trying to make out what that noise was.
“Darling,” Edith came back on. “I really think…we could do dinner.”
Why did she sound so breathy?
“I already have dinner plans.”
She gasped suddenly, which surprised me. I didn’t think she would be offended by that. “It’s just…right there…”
“Right where? What are you—” My eyes widened and I clasped a hand over my mouth in horror. “Edith, are you having sex while you’re on the phone with me?” I shrieked, then quickly looked around to make sure no one heard me.
“Oh, God!”
I quickly hung up the phone, grimacing as I tossed the thing in the passenger seat, afraid I would somehow get her sex germs on me through sound waves. I got in my car, slamming the door as I took a few deep breaths and tried to erase the sounds I heard from my memory. But it was no use. They were firmly planted in my brain, in a section that seemed to grasp onto those memories and never let them go.
And then something even worse occurred to me. She was having sex multiple times a day and all I was getting was…cuddles. It was so wrong. I was in the prime of my life. I was supposed to be out getting laid and instead…instead I was dreaming of a man I couldn’t have. My life sucked so much.
I dropped my forehead to the steering wheel and tried desperately not to cry. There had to be an answer to the constant hole in my life. All I wanted was someone I could share my days with, and I had that, but not in the way I wanted.
Tears filled my eyes as I backed out of my parking spot and drove away from the school. I needed to be alone for now, to not think about everything I was missing out on when it was staring me right in the face. Namely: Luke.
Maybe a coffee in town would give me perspective. Not the actual coffee, but just sitting in a cafe alone, doing what normal people do. I parked on Main Street and got out, glancing across the street at the coffeehouse. I could do this. I would order a cup and just sit there with my thoughts. Thoughts that would not include Dash or the way he felt pressed against my body.