Page 108 of Free Fire Zone
“I’m fine,” I forced myself to say.
His brows pinched in concern as he stared down at me. “Ma’am, how many fingers am I holding up?”
“Two,” I answered, finally finding my voice and using it the correct way.
“Did you hit your head?” he asked, his fingers prodding at my skull.
Quite possibly. That would explain why I can’t talk in front of you.
“No, I’m good.” I started to sit up when a dizzy spell hit me and I almost fell over.
“Whoa,” he said, quickly grabbing my arm. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Totally,” I grinned in mortification. I hadn’t hit my head. I felt fine. The dizziness was most likely a side effect of his dazzling smile and gorgeous white teeth. Oh God, now I was focusing on his teeth? What was wrong with me?
I pushed to stand against his protests. The last thing I needed was a crowd of onlookers gawking at me in the middle of the street. The crowd cheered for me when I was on my feet, which only made me feel like more of an idiot. Then the ambulance arrived and the police cleared the crowd that started to disperse the moment they realized I wasn’t roadkill.
I could barely look at my rescuer, afraid I would swoon in front of him once again and fall into his arms like some weak woman out of a bad historical romance novel.
I secretly loved those and the men who rescued the women.
But for the sake of this scenario, I hated them. I did not dreamabout being one of those women and I would never stare off into space like a kid waiting for my hero to come to my rescue.
However, this handsome man in his blue firefighter outfit was certainly beginning to change my outlook on the whole rescuing thing in reality.
“My name is Brett,” he said, his smile showing off two amazing, swoon-worthy dimples. Dash only had one. Not that I could really compare the men based on the number of dimples they had. That was a genetic thing. It wasn’t like one had more tattoos than the other and I could decide who I liked more based on that.
I shook my head, clearing my wandering thoughts and smiled at the handsome man. “I’m Laura.”
“Laura,” he repeated. “Well, how about we get you over to the ambulance and make sure you’re okay?”
He took my arm in his, carefully walking me over to where the paramedics were grabbing their gear. They exchanged some banter, clearly having worked together for a while. But my mind was still focused on his name. Brett.
I internally sighed, wondering if maybe this was the opportunity I needed to take by the horns. It was clear things weren’t going to end the way I wanted with Dash, so maybe I should move on.
And just as I was thinking that, who came running through the crowd, pushing aside the onlookers to get to my side?
“Are you okay?” Dash asked, his eyes scanning my body as he ran his hands over my body. “I heard you were almost hit by a car. I can’t fucking believe this!”
“Dash, I’m okay. Brett pushed me out of the way in time.”
His face scrunched up in confusion. “Who?”
“Brett,” I said, motioning behind him.
Brett nodded to Dash, who returned one of his own. Something passed between them, but I had no clue what it was. Men were weird like that. And to make matters worse, just as I was deciding that Brett might be someone I could possibly date, Dash came crashing back ontothe scene, staring at me like he was terrified he was going to lose me. Which made me swoon all over again.
I was so screwed when it came to this man.
“Are you sure you’re okay? Have you been checked out yet?” Dash asked worriedly.
“They were just about to check me out.”