Page 137 of Free Fire Zone
“You know, you’re going to pay for this later,” she said, her eyes boring into mine.
I just smirked at her, thinking of all the ways that could turn out. “Bring it on, baby.”
I swattedat the fingers brushing my hair from my face. “Would you stop it?” I slapped his hands away, then started smacking his arm when he didn’t stop. “Seriously, what is wrong with you?”
“Um…I’m in love with you? I want to make sure you’re okay? Is there something wrong with that?”
“You mean, aside from the fact that you won’t stop touching me?” I growled.
Man, I was cranky. It wasn’t a huge surprise. The man fucked me into a coma and then slammed my head into a car door. It took a little to pull that out of him, but when I found out, all I did was shake my head.
He sighed, smiling at me like a man in love. It was hard to be mad at him when he looked at me with those puppy dog eyes. “I’m so sorry about your head.”
“You have to stop apologizing. It’s getting weird.”
“That’s just because I love you so much and I haven’t been able to say anything. And now I have you and nearly smashed your head in. I’m feeling a little vulnerable right now.”
Men were such babies. I was the one with the head injury, but he was sulking beside me like I kicked his puppy. If I was going to makeit through tonight without having a sulking man on my hands, I was going to have to fix this fast.
“I know, baby. But I’m fine.”
“It’s been a rough day,” he sighed.
Right. It was hard for him. A trained military husky hero to take down the bad guy. For me, it was just a walk in the park. Not that he couldn’t stress over what happened, but seriously…that was sort of his thing.
Luckily, before I could open my mouth and say any of that, the doctor walked in. I immediately hated her upon sight when I saw the way she eyed Dash and then blushed as she looked down at my chart.
I swear to God, I’m going to knife her if she even looks at him again.
Geez, calm down. What’s with you right now? Talk about your mood swings.
Hey, it’s not my fault she made the mistake of looking at my man.
What happened to the woman who was afraid to screw up in front of him? Now you’re ready to go all Wonder Woman on this bitch because she looked at him the wrong way?
Whose side are you on, anyway? He’s mine and I won’t lose him now that I finally have him.
Right…because it’s likely that would happen after the man confessed his love to you after weeks—no, months—of holding it in.
Oh my God, you’re right! I’m going crazy. I’m becoming one of those possessive women who threaten anyone who walks into the same room as him. I need to get a grip before he looks at me like I’m weird.
I think we passed that a long time ago.
“Well, the good news is that you don’t have a concussion.”
I gripped Dash’s hand tightly to remind him that I didn’t blame him for slamming my head into the door.
“And all your panels came back normal. Well…aside from one.”
“Oh God,” Dash groaned. “What is it? Tell us. I can take it.” He turned to me with sorrow-filled eyes, cupping his hands around my face. “Whatever it is, I’ll be there with you through all of it. I won’t leave your side for even one minute.”
I peeled his hands away from my face, forcing myself not to snap at him for his ridiculous behavior. This whole trip to the doctor wascompletely pointless. “Why don’t you let her tell us what result turned out strange before you put me in a body bag?”
The doctor grinned again, her eyes flicking to Dash again before resting on me. It took everything in my power not to snap her neck. Geez, I needed a shot of liquor or something.