Page 141 of Free Fire Zone
“Hey, this is a business,” Cash said from behind me.
I tore myself from Laura, but it was difficult when I was so hard. And judging by the grimace on Cash’s face, he could tell just how much I wanted her right now.
“Hey, I’m Cash,” he said, walking forward. “This idiot’s boss.”
She smiled at him, taking his hand. “Laura.”
“Ah, the infamous Laura.”
“Does everyone know about me?” she asked.
“Pretty much,” Cash grinned, taking over before I could try and save my reputation. “Yeah, he had me send him away on a job to get rid of his blue balls. Let’s just say I’ve seen way more of him than necessary.”
“Um…” Laura looked at me for clarification, but this was one of those times when it was smarter to keep my mouth shut.
“Yeah, he dropped his pants in front of everyone to show us just how hard he was for you all the time.”
Then again, maybe I should have spoken up. “Alright!” I clapped my hands together, glaring at my boss. “Well, now that you’ve thoroughly embarrassed me, I think it’s time I finish this tour and get her home. After all, she needs rest.”
“Why does she need rest?” Cash asked.
“Because she’s pregnant with my kid,” I beamed.
My boss stared at me in confusion. “But…I thought you weren’t seeing each other.”
“It was an accidental fucking,” Brock said as he strode past.
“It was not,” I called after him. “That’s not even a thing. It was…an unconscious fucking!”
He laughed, turning around as he walked backward. “I’m not sure that sounds better.”
It really didn’t.
“Okay,” I huffed out a laugh. “Well, now you know some of the people I work with, and you’ve seen me humiliated…I think I’ll just take you home.”
“Wait!” Laura’s stopped me. “I haven’t even seen where you work. You’re not afraid of a little teasing, are you?” she challenged me.
It wasn’t the teasing I was worried about. It was all the other potential disasters that could arise from any conversation that I hadn’t thought of. Now that I got a taste of what was to come, I thought back to all the things that could potentially be brought up to embarrass me, and I wasn’t going there.
“Never,” I said frankly, even though I was terrified. “But you need your rest.”
She gave me a pleading look that I couldn’t say no to. “At least show me the infamous IT room.”
I couldn’t resist the way her lip curled slightly as she pouted. Damn, she was so fucking cute. It wasn’t fair. “Fine. But we’re not staying long.”
I would get in and get out. Since Cotton didn’t speak to me anyway, I didn’t have to worry about the conversation dragging on. I shot an evil look at Cash, telling him to back off.
His answering flip of the bird didn’t make me feel any better.
“Alright, so this is it,” I said as we approached the door. I scanned my thumbprint and entered the code, waiting for the door to slide open. She gasped as she saw the room lit up with computer screens across the far wall. Yeah, it was pretty fucking sweet.
To my surprise, Cotton stood from his seat and walked over. Henever came up to me and struck up a conversation. I was so shocked that I just stared at him as he held out his hand to Laura.
“I’m Cotton. I don’t work here. I just came in to help out because Dash wasn’t here.”
“I’m Laura,” she grinned. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“I’m not sure about that. We’ll find out in a minute,” he said very succinctly.