Page 15 of Free Fire Zone
“Is anyone in here?” I waited, listening for any sounds. At first, all I heard was the creaking of the house, but then there was something that sounded like giggling. “Hello?” I called, climbing inside.
“Watch it,” Brock said, catching my arm as I almost stepped on a loose board.
“If you can hear me, call out!”
“Yeah, like they’re going to remain silent,” Brock snorted. “Talk about stating the obvious.”
“Maybe the person hit his head.”
“Or her head,” he grinned. “And doesn’t realize that calling out would be a good idea.”
“Ormaybe,” I stressed, “the person has a head injury and needs to be guided.”
“Yes, come to the light!” he shouted.
I smacked him on the shoulder, trying not to laugh. This was a serious situation after all. Though, after finding the last guy dead, I couldn’t blame him for needing to bring some levity to the situation.
“Hello?” I called out again.
“Someone’s here!” a voice called out from the huge hole in the floor. “Hey! We’re down here!”
There was no good way to peer down without risking the whole floor caving in. I got down on my belly and crawled to the edge as Brock held my foot. Like that would really help if the floor caved in.
A woman stood on top of the couch that had fallen into the basement, waving her hands wildly. She was wearing some kind of toga and her hair was plastered to her head.
As for the other woman in the basement, she sat on the other end of the couch, one leg crossed over the other as she sighed heavily. “We were so close.”
To death I assumed. “We’re here now,” I shouted. “We’ll get you out of there! Don’t be scared!”
The woman in black snorted, glaring up at me. “I was so close to feeling the everlasting peace that only a swift death could bring. You had to ruin it.”
Jerking back, I didn’t know how to respond to that. “Um…I’m sorry?”
“I don’t want everlasting death!” the other woman shouted. “I just want to get the hell out of here!”
That was more the response I was expecting. “We’ll have you out in no time.”
I sat up slowly, moving backward toward Brock, who was already getting his gear ready. He handed me a harness, tying one end to a support beam. “Alright, I’ll get the depressing one up first, then I’ll get the cheery one.”
“Why the depressing one first? Shouldn’t you get out the one that wants to live?”
“You would think so, but call me crazy, I’m a little worried the other one might find a way to off herself in the meantime.”
“Valid point.”
“Alright, lower me down slowly.”
“Really? Because I was going to drop you on your head.”
“You know, you’re kind of an ass to work with.”
“Hey, I’m keeping your secrets. I would be nice to me if I were you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I said sarcastically. I wasn’t sure having him keep my secrets was really in my best interests. Until I had something to hold over his head, every conversation we had would end withI know your secret.”
“Just don’t drop me on my head,” I said, crawling back over to the hole.
I slid over the edge, dangling from the rope as Brock lowered me to the ground. Almost as soon as I landed, arms were flung around my neck, squeezing me so tight I could hardly breathe.